#9 - What The Other Gladers Think Of Your Relationship

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Thomas: :D

Newt - They're cute together. They're so sweet around and you can see the love in their eyes.
Minho - They're good when they're together. (Y/N) gives him motivation to run when he's in the Maze.
Gally - They're alright. (Y/N) is pretty boring when she's around Thomas, and would be much better with me.
Alby - (Y/N) and Thomas are good. I'm glad they still work around the Glade and aren't just wrapped in each other.

Newt: ^-^

Thomas - They're adorable. (Y/N) and Newt always appear to be having fun no matter what and they always look out for each other.
Minho - Newt and (Y/N) are cute together, however they should relax on the PDA. Just a little bit too much for my taste, still they have that "Love at first sight" look.
Gally - (Y/N) is cute, which means she should be with me, not with Newt. I mean, why in the world would she choose him over me?
Alby - Since (Y/N) came, Newt hasn't been working as hard and is more interested in protecting and playing with (Y/N). I wish they would just work a little harder.

Minho: ;P

Thomas - (Y/N)'s a great glader. She matches Minho perfectly. They're both sarcastic and you always see them relaxing together around the Glade.
Newt - Minho and (Y/N) are great! They're like a brother and sister to me. (Newt's Girl's Name) and I constantly hang out with them when they're not busy.
Gally - Why the shuck is (Y/N) with Minho? I don't get how she could like him over me. I mean, I was nice to her when she first came and she just ignored me.
Alby - Minho and (Y/N) are good. They love each other but still manage to get almost all their part of the work around the Glade done, sometimes extra.

Gally: ;)

Thomas - She brings out the best in Gally. He's not as ignorant as when we first met.
Newt - She keeps him in check with her fire and strength. He obeys her without hesitation.
Minho - She's sassy just like Gally but she's got class unlike him. Still they're good together.
Alby - She makes sure Gally works and doesn't only concentrate on her. It's good to see he found someone.

Chuck: :3

Thomas - Young love is beautiful. They're so cute and playful together.
Newt - It's great to see Chuck having fun with someone his age. They get along really well.
Minho - I can see Chuck loves Y/N but I hope it's not just a crush. That would be horrible for them.
Gally - It's puppy love. I hope they stay together but they're too young to know what it is.
Alby - They love having fun but they also balance the work together and do it quickly. It's adorable.

Teresa: :*

Thomas - It's strange to see two girls in love but really, it doesn't matter. They love each other that's that.
Newt - It's clear they don't care what the others think. And honestly, no one should think badly about them.
Minho - They're two lovely girls. They work well together and I'm sure everyone is used to them together.
Gally - It's crazy! Why are two girls together when there are plenty of guys free!
Alby - They always work together and they won't split up. Ever! We've tried to and they refused.

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