26: The Trials Of The Valar

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   Dark days melted into darker nights, for the impenetrable black smog lay thick across they sky, blockading any light that tried to surpass the gloom. You sat slumped bound and bleeding against the damp stone wall with your eyes fixed on the window. A single solitary star managed to pierce the cloud, for the sixth day in a row. You closed your bruised eyes and let out a sigh from your bleeding lips. Six whole days you had been kept captive in this dark tower, and for six nights you had counted the stars. If you look upon the brightest star for a week, a wish shall come true.

  "Move it scum!"Devilish voices squawked and squealed as the sound of cracking emitted through the stone walls. They Orcs were being flogged again. This had been a common occurrence the past few days, you guessed they were moving the Orcs off somewhere else which was bad news. The less time Annatar had to spend on Orc dealings, the more time he had to spend on you.

   You scrambled to your feet, and staggered to the window. In the far land below you could make out faint shapes of dark figures clutching swords starting to move away in ranks. The glowing torches reflected off their armor like fire-flies in a dark roaring river.

   "The army is moving away to the east, to safeguard the gates." You snapped your head around. Annatar was leaning against the stone archway with his chain clad arms folded across his chest. You sunk to the ground but with every movement you could feel his golden eyes trail your body for any sign of weakness. Any sign of your spirit was cracking. Any sign of her.

   "Why?" You asked with a small voice as he approached, frosty hair flowing behind like a cape. He stood directly inf front of you and keeled down. He reached a gloved hand out and gripped your chin.

   "Now, now, what did we talk about? Do not question me girl." A flash of rage sparked across his eyes before fading back into endless pools of gold that seared into your soul like two fire pokers.  You didn't reply. You plucked up your courage and glared back at him, which on your part was a bad decision. A twinge of pain shot through your jaw as he pulled your face toward his. 

   "Listen here dear, I don't want that attitude, just tell me where the ring is, like a good little girl should. Be ladylike." He said lowly, his cool  breath tickling your bloodied lips.

   "Never." You spat in his face and shoved his hand off your jaw. You glowered at him, nerves bubbling in your stomach. But there was something else... Excitement? 

   You watched as he slowly rose to his feet, brushing off his trousers. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and elegantly wiped his spit/blood covered cheek before folding the cloth back up and putting it into his pocket. Was he angry, why is he not saying anything? 

   "Now that was not ladylike." He swooped down and snatched your arm, hauling you to your feet. Oh shizer.

   "Let go!" You tried to seize your arm back but his grip was immensely strong. A sharp and viscous crack echoed through the otherwise silent room. You stood there for a moment before the ringing in your ears became very present. You were aware of  muffled words but the ringing drowned it all out, and with every passing moment you could feel something warm start to trickle down your temple before the room start to tilt. Bile burned your throat and your eyes shut completely. Your body slumped into the dark elf, lifeless.

   "Certainty of death, little hope of success, what are we waiting for?" Gimli puffed on his pipe, swinging his stumpy legs on the throne. Aragorn and Gandalf were trying to persuade Theoden to march to the Black Gates of Mordor to buy Frodo and Sam time who were undoubtedly travelling in the Black Lands. 

   In the corner of the room Legolas leaned against a great pillar, his mind too pre-occupied with you to think about the Black Gate. Dark circles weighed his once bright eyes down and his brows were in a constant st state of being drawn together. Were you safe?  Were your hurt? Were you alive?

   "If Saurons gaze is fixed on the battle, he will not see the Hobbits. If they are still alive."

    Darkness took You and you strayed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead and every minute was as long as a life-age of the earth. But it was not the end. Not for you. A bright white enveloped your body, the warm light rejuvenated you like a cascading river of energy, crashing down onto you with great weight. Your body lay bloodied on a great marble white floor but you mind danced and skipped over a green land under a swift sunrise. You snapped back to your body on the white flooring, eyes opening. The ground, ceiling and walls melted into one white light that carried on for infinity. In your minds eye, forms started to take shape. They were blurry and dark but with all the connotations that they might be of evil intent, they stood spectacularly tall and radiated warmth not unlike Mithrandir.

   "Where am I?" You called out to the figures in your mind that your psychical eyes could not behold. There was no answer, only the sound of music with a melody so sweet it could have vanquished evil.  The figures joined hands and started to circle you chanting god like songs that you could not quite hear nor understand. 

   One figure twice the size of the others stepped out of the blur, coming into view, yet still remained shapeless yet full of color and goodness.

   "I am Eru, God of the Valar. Y/N you have been sent here by your death." You froze. Dead? Before you could say anything, Eru continued. 

   "Y/N, daughter of Galadriel and Sauron, sister to Aragorn son of Arathorn, I send you back to complete your task. Hence, you are banished forthwith from the Grey Havens until your mission is completed." Eru reached out a great hand, covering your eyes. 

   Space and light whizzed past your eyes as your body traveled through the realms. Mind awake, body asleep. Clouds came into view as you plummeted to the land that came spiraling up to meet you. A dark fortress came hurtling up, letting out a scream you blocked your face with your arms as the tower came closer. Instead of crashing into the tower, your eyes flung open and you shot up, gasping for breathe. 

  Sweat stuck to your forehead as you frantically looked around. Did that God tell you that you had died? Where did you go? Your heart thumped against your chest when you heard foot steps coming toward the door. Was it Annatar? You leaned back into the ground, if he new you were dead...

A head popped through the door and squeaked. You snapped your head  toward the door.



Sorry for the late and kinda short chapter, school opened up again this week and I have been super busy! Also Now that i'm doing my highers and collage courses, I will be only uploading between 1-2 times a week. I will try and upload on Saturday or Sundays. If I get free time I will write bonus chapters as well.

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