15: Hell And Back Again

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"Aragorn, where is the Lassie?!" Gimli called as his ax buried itself into the stomach of an Uruk-Hai.

"She was just here!" Aragorn said as he swung his sword and ducked an arrow Legolas had let fly. Talking about that elf, he had not said a word to Aragorn, but he did still worry as he had noticed your absence as well.

"That's the last of 'em." Gimli kicked the last in the head with a hearty chuckle.

"Boromir!" Aragorn rushed to down to the ground in front of the tree Boromir was slumped on, five arrows protruding out of his chest.

"Frodo where is Frodo?" Boromir wheezed and clung onto Aragorn's arm.

"I let him go," Aragorn said.

"Then you did what I could not, I tried to take the ring from him. Forgive me. They took them, they took the little ones. Merry and Pippin, I tried to save them but I failed." By this point, Boromir had become deathly pale and his lungs had started racking up blood."You fought well my brother.

" Aragorn held Boromir's hand tightly, tears slipping from his eyes.

"It is over, the world of men will fall and all will come to darkness and my city to ruin." Boromir's words had sped up as he tried to say all he could before his passing, it was heartbreaking for all to witness.

"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I will swear to you I will not let the White City fall, nor our people."

"I would have followed you my brother, my captain," Boromir hands slipped and he took his last breath for his final words.

"My King." His body went limp in Aragorn's arms. It was hard to describe the utter hopelessness and grief they felt at that moment. The wind in the trees seemed to stop and the river seemed to be drowned out by silence as they looked over his body. Aragorn closed his eyes for a moment of silence and to cease his tears, Gimli tugged on his great ginger beard to stop himself from crying but Legolas felt no need to cry. Yes he thought it was painfully horrible and he did like Boromir, but he couldn't help but feel Y/N was in trouble. It was a gut feeling, but he tried to push it back. He was mad at her for kissing Aragorn but he still loved her.

"Come, we must send him to the Valar. Legolas get a raft ready, and Gimli collect firewood."Aragorn explained to them that Frodo and Sam were going alone, but they mist search for Y/N as they had carried Boromir's Body to the shore. They placed his body in a boat and lined it with twigs and moss. Boromir looked so peaceful as if all the worry had slipped from his mind and he was now in a deep sleep.

"May the light of the Valar lead your way." Legolas bent down and created a spark. Within a few moments, the whole raft was in flames, the reds and oranges contrasting against the icy blue water. With one last push, the boat floated off down the river like a massive fire fly hovering above the river.

"What's that over there?" Aragorn and Legolas snapped their heads to see what Gimli was pointing at.

"Cabbage!" Aragorn rushed forward with Legolas close behind. Cabbage fluttered around frantically, trying to get the three to follow him.

"I think he wants us to follow him." With that they took off down the forest to follow him, Legolas leading and Gimli trailing very far at the back. All Legolas could think was why Cabbage had to lead them, why could Y/N not come herself, or is it even Y/N they are going after? They came to halt, the Body of a large Uruk-Hai was strewn across the mud."Why did he show us this?" Cabbage was pointing his little finger at the d crimson pool blood next to the Orc mutant."That is no Orc blood. Orc blood is red." They surrounded the blood in confusion. "You don't think this is Y/N's?" Legolas said as Gimli stuck a gloved finger in the substance and gave it a lick. The other two looked at Gimli expectantly, praying the blood was not hers.

"Human, Female." Was all the dwarf said. Silence filled the air as panic took over each and every one of them.

"Where is the body then?"

"She might have gone with Sam and Frodo," Legolas said with hope, as if he did not want to think about the other possibility.

"No. She would not get further than a few steps with this amount of blood loss. She should be dead. Though, there are no signs of anyone moving the body." This was it for Legolas, the last he said to her was that she should never talk to him again. He never got to say he loved her one last time. Hot tears started screaming as he fell to his knees, his hands were in the pool of blood as if he was trying to put you back together again. He was broken.

"Arthsa mris noor blursed. Nargarthsa Souron Nagadagathier Y/N." There it was, that voice again, though it was not in your head anymore, it was beside you. Your eyes peeled open, only to be greeted with dark towering trees. It was so familiar yet foreign."I sense great evil in you child." Who said that? You scrabbled to your feet, only to fall back down. Your stomach seared with burning agony as you whimpered and bit your tongue.

"Who's there?" You managed to call out, but they did not reply, just stepped out of the darkness. A tall man, a familiar man. Black mist shrouded his form and all that came near. The mist snaked around trees and plants. You watched in horror as the wildlife aged right in front of you, aging until there was nothing left, until there was mold and heaps of silage.

"That is what I plan on doing to your earth and this." His mouth did not move as he spoke, it was a voice made from screams made to sound like words. Dread took over you as you tried to scramble away but you were frozen.

"Don't bother my child. I am here to help." Its voice stabbed your eardrums but you tried to fight against it. You looked up trying to identify his face, but all that was there was covered by shadow. You let out a scream as the mist wrapped itself around your body like ink, but to your surprise, it did not age you, it aged your wound, fast-forwarded it until it left an ugly scar.

"There. Now join me." He held out a gnarled hand for you to take.

"No." You spat and stood up.

"Join me or die." He snarled and stepped forward, ramming you into a tree. You screamed and kicked, but to no avail. His sickly laughter sent shivers down your spine. Black tar-like liquid seeped into your clothes as it oozed from the tree.

"Get away from me!" You screamed at the top of your lungs as he opened his mouth. A long grey pointed tongue oozing with goo slithered out and licked your cheek, leaving a trail of slime. You felt your stomach turn. You were about to let out another scream but the light flashed in your mind, Galadriel's eyes stared into your mind as her voice spoke 'Let this gift be used in dire need.' Your breathing increased as you squeezed your eyes shut and let the light envelope you. The next thing you knew, you were spinning out of control and his arms disappeared. You were spinning in the light, the sky whizzed in front of your eyes as you landed painfully in a field of lushes green grass.

"Y/n! Where were you?" You lifted your head up to see Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn surround you."Hell and back again." You wheezed and plonked your head back down into the grass.

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ~ {𝐋.𝐆}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora