21: Out of The Gloom

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The kingdom of Rohan was alive with noise, something that had not happened for years. The people of Rohan were packing as much as they could carry on their backs and were preparing for the long march that awaited them. From what you could count, there was at least six hundred of the Rohirrim getting ready to flee. Not long before that, Gandalf had departed on Shadowfax and headed east.

You wandered about the kingdom, offering help to those who accepted and did not curse you. The sun was high in the sky as you made your way to the stable, when you overheard two guards speaking to each other.

"He escaped around midnight." The first man said. This caught your attention so you listened closer.

"How?" The other asked.

"Some think the door was left unlocked when they took that strange girl to see Theoden." That was enough for you to hear to know who they were talking about. Wormtounge. You carried on walking passed the men, pretending like you did not hear them.

"You there, girl!" You spun around when one of the men walked towards you. He was broad shouldered and ginger.

"Uh, Yeah?" You asked, slightly intimidated by the large man.

"Where is Wormtounge?" He asked and grabbed you by the arm.

"Let go of me." You struggled to get free from his grip, but it only tightened causing a pain to shoot up your arm as he repeated the question again.

"Where is he, girl?" He asked as you tried to tug away from him again.

"I don't know." You half shouted. "Now let go of me!"

"If she says she does not know, she does not know. Now let her go." Both your heads snapped around to see Legolas standing behind the man with a scowl on his face, his blue eyes trained on the mans arm that gripped yours. "You are hurting her." He added.

"What do you care?" The man asked but Legolas did not say anything, he just stood there glaring at the man. After a few moments of them having a staring contest the man eventually let go of your arm and shoved past Legolas with a gruff growl. When you looked back up, Legolas was standing closer to you and his eyes softened.

"Did he hurt you?" Legolas asked taking your arm gently in his hands, inspecting it. You stared at him in confusion. Why was he being nice now? He seemed so mad the day prior.

"Uh, no not really." You said after a moment. He looked back into your eyes and you could see the questions behind them.

"Come for a walk." Your mind was telling you not to go because you new he would ask questions, but your heart desperately wanted to talk to Legolas. Guess it's time to listen to old Gandalf.

"Alright." You said at last. The walk was not long, and it was silent for the most part. Before long you were on the outskirt of the kingdom, watching everyone pack in a hurry. When you came to a stop, you turned around to face Legolas.

"Why did you not tell me Y/N? Did you think I would not still love you?" You stood frozen. Did he just say he loved you? Your heart started speeding up as tried to form a reply but the words were stuck in your throat. All you could focus on was his hand on your shoulder and his eye's gazing at you.

"I didn't, I mean could but- What I mean is I did not know until two nights ago. I was scared and I did not know what to do or who to tell. I'm sorry I let you down." You hung your head, afraid of what he was going to say or think. His hand gently grabbed your chin, tipping your face up to look at him.

"You need not apologies. I understand, I was in shock before. I still love you Y/n." You got caught in his eyes as he slowly pulled your face towards his. You could feel his hot breathe against your mouth before his lips captured yours. Your eyes fluttered shut as he wrapped one arm around your waist and had the other cupping your cheek. His lips were sweet and tasted of apple, they seemed to move in sync with yours as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Your heart felt like it was going to implode as his lips became rougher and more desperate against yours, deepening the kiss. Before long you both broke apart panting for breathe. He rested his forehead against yours and stared into your eyes,

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ~ {𝐋.𝐆}Where stories live. Discover now