3 | Personal Reality.

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"Are your wounds getting any better?" Jay asked as Riyou returned to school after a few days of rest.

"Yes, thanks to you and your mother. I will have to thank Ichinose-san later as well."

"Maybe you should just stick with us today, that way we can look out for the bullies together."

Riyou had determined that Jay would be an obstacle after they left when his mother had finished treating her wounds. She decided that avoiding jay would be the best course of action, but it didn't seem like that was going to be possible.

Riyou had come to the conclusion that Jay was the type of person she found the hardest to deal with. Happy, easy-going, carefree. It wasn't that Riyou was unhappy with how she is now, but Riyou could just tell Jay was going to do more damage than needed and expected.

If avoiding doesn't work, I shall face it head on.

"I understand."

Spotting Haru up ahead, Jay ran up to him, "Haru!"

Riyou walked briskly up to them to catch up, she would run after them since Jay told her to stay with him, but running was beyond her physical capabilities right now. Haru noticed that and stopped, "Jay, you should have stopped or at least walked slower if you had Riyou with you."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's alright. It is my fault for being unable to catch up."

"It's Jay's fault, he was supposed to consider your injuries instead of trying to get your treated wounds reopen."

"It's my fault-"

Haru was getting annoyed, and Jay realized that, so he intervened before anything escalated, "Hey guys, let's just get to class alright?"

Jay walked off, expecting the other two to follow suit. Riyou turned to Haru before leaving to follow Jay, "Please leave me alone, all you have to do is just let me say yes."


"Why won't she stay away from him?! After all they did, why does she still stand by his side?" Rachel yelled in frustration.

"Maybe it's him that's staying by h-her-"

"SHUT UP! There's no way he would stay by that ugly piece of crap's side! I'll prove it, I'll show that he would rather be with me than her!"

The two girls were standing in a secluded dark hallway, yelling at each other, not realizing that the enclosed place amplifies their sound, making Riyou's journey of locating Rachel a lot easier.

Although, spotting or figuring out Rachel's location is never hard since she is always loud like a siren.

"If you would like for me to be away from Kita Jay, you may want to work with me."

"You! Why are you here!" Rachel's facial expression was turning red, almost fuming, but not yet there.

"You may want to work with me, if you wish for Kita Jay to be by your side instead of ine. I believe that it would be a beneficial offer for the both of us."

"Stop spilling crap!"

"Your belief in me does not matter to me. Nonetheless, the offer is this: Tomorrow, during lunch break, meet me here." With that, Riyou left the two girls there, confused.

And there she was, Rachel stood right in front of Riyou the next day. Riyou was absolutely confident that Rachel would appear no matter what, she didn't know Rachel personally, she just knew how to deal with that type of people. All she needed next was for her plan to work.

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