I Should Get A Boyfriend!

Start from the beginning

"Let me show you."

She took out a key from her pocket. 

"Look there is a gap in between the shell. Just press the key in it. And it will be opened perfectly! Look!"

"Wow!" I wondered!

"No one opens the walnut with door. You'll break it."

She went inside giving us a sweetest smile.

We broke the walnuts by key and she made dessert for us. 

"Taste it and tell me how's it?"

She gave a bowl to Alex. He put it down.
And rubbed his hands.
She brought a bowl for me. Alex took it from her and kept it on the table for me.

"Wait a moment." I said.


"It's better we all eat it together."

"You're such a good girl! Let's eat." Aunt said.

We ate it. It was really Yummy! I've never had a such an amazing walnut dessert.

"Alex, I'm feeling a bit tired. Wash the dishes. I'm going to bed first."

She got up and started going. Alex ran to her.

"Mom! Mom! Why do you want to rest here?"

"I'm tired. Just for a night!"

She turned to me.

"Michelle! Do you mind if I rest here for a night?"

Alex was nodding so much! How can I say No?!

"I don't mind! Have a good rest Aunt!"

"Mom! I've already booked a room in hotel. It's fine. Let's go there!"

"Ah! Don't trouble me. I'm tired!"

 I was kinda smiling on their show! Alex is behaving like a child!

"Let me rest tonight. Good Night!"

She went in Alex's room.
Alex came to me.

"So sorry!"

"It's alright! I don't mind!"

He smiled and ran into the room.
I'm sure Mumma's Boy will again gonna hug her!

I finished my dessert and washed the dishes and went to bed.

I heard Alex pleading to sleep to his mom in the morning!
So he kinda reacts like this with mom!
Haha! Even I do so!

"Mom! 10 minutes please!"

"You're so annoying! You piss me off!"

"Mommm!" He screamed loudly. 

"Lower your voice! Michelle will wake up!"

"Let me sleep then!"

"I'll come again after 10 minutes!"

I kinda remembered my old days!

I went out after after having bath.

"You're awake. Let's have a breakfast." Alex told me.

"Okay. Good morning Aunt."
"Good Morning Michelle. "

He came in front to me.

"Dear, Do you want to try our fresh ground soy soup with salty oil stick made by Spanish oil or porridge with chicken black egg and braised meat in wheat bread?" 


"He's asking whether you want soy milk and fried dough sticks or buns and porridge with pork?" Aunt said.

"Buns and Porridge will do."

"I want the other one." Alex said.

"Hurry up and get it. Are you waiting for someone to serve you?" Aunt scolded to Alex.

He brought the porridge for me.

"Let's eat!" Aunt said.

Alex made small pieces of bread and put it in the milk.

"Hey! Behave yourself!"
"I like it this way."


"You've learnt it so fast!" And started mimicking her.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" While making funny faces.
Ugh! He's damn funny! 

We were studying in the hall. Aunt came up with some soup for us. 
"Michelle. Come sit on the sofa. It's cold."
 She made me sit on the sofa.
She went besides Alex finding something.

"Where did I put my magazine?"
She sat on the sofa and made Alex sit close to me. I… I felt weird. Ugh! Weirdest of all!
I took the bowl n started digging soup. 
Alex also took it and starting digging in.
He too seemed uncomfortable! 

She took out the magazine. And was watching us. 
We both looked at her. She laughed.

"Look at you two! A perfect match! People might think you have been living together for years!"

"Mom! Could you stop talking nonsense?" Alex said in a loud voice.

"What did I say? You think too much."

He just started digging soup faster. And went in his room.

Next morning, We were having breakfast. 

"Looks like you are not rushing today!" Aunt said to Alex.

"I'll go to college for an experiment later." ~Alex.

"Me too. For my assignment."

"Don't you both go together?"~Aunt.

"Why would we go together? He isn't in my college!"

"Don't you know? You both are in same college!"

What!!!! The man I want to find is right here! A perfect man!

"What? Are you in Xavier's?" We both asked each other!
 We laughed!

"Yes!" We both said together! 

"Okay then. I'm leaving. I have my flight."

"Should I drop you mom?"

"No that's fine. I called the cab!"

"Okay. Take care Mom!"

And again Mumma's Boy hugged her Mumma!!!

"Take Care Aunt."
She gave me a smile and left.

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