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Here is the start of book 2, while season 2 is interesting the season missed out on a bunch of underdeveloped plot points that led to confusion in later seasons. Like Lydia being immune then suddenly a banshee, I liked Matt being the villain but happened a tad to late- creep guy to total villain then dead was meh. But THE POINT- this story will HEAVILY differ from season 2 just cuz I don't like the season very much. So I'm taking creative freedom. Hope y'all don't mind, but let's spice some shit up!

Allison's vision was blurry, and blood trickled down her forehead as she struggled to pick herself up off the concrete. Wolves roared in the background as the sound of gunshots, and people slamming through walls echoed in the background. He hand wrapped around her daggers as she pushed herself up from the ground. Her eyes widened as she saw a man beheaded in front of her, the body crippling onto the ground. She watched horrified as the man who had cut the head of was no other then Percy himself.

"I told you," Percy snarled, "You chose the wrong side."

"Percy?" Allison asked confused.

"Capturing Erica and Boyd? Torturing my brother? Percy snarled as he twirled his sword in his hand. "What have you become?"

Not knowing why Allison didn't respond, instead she twirled her blades in her hands and prepared to fight. Percy rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I have bigger things to deal with," Percy stated flinging his wrist resulting in Allison to fly across the room. When she hit the wall her eyes open and she shot up gasping for breath.

"Allie?" Percy asked curiously his voice tired as he leaned up next to her. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing just a bad dream," She stammered out. Percy rose an eyebrow before kissing her forehead.
"Lydia is going to be fine," Percy assured her. "Everything is going to be okay."
"Yeah, I hope so," She said lightly as she dug her head into the demigods chest as she tried to sleep again.

Across town Stiles laid passed out on hospital chairs, stirring slightly in his sleep.

"What a pathetic excuse for a son of the sea," an old raspy voice growled at him. "The younger brother of an icon, a legend, one that will save the demigod race and become a story told for generations. What are you but the expendable brother?"

"You kill me, you don't want to know what will happen!" Stiles exclaimed.

"No Greek hero survives without there downfall, eventually all of them die to there own ego and stupidity. You Stiles, you'll be the cause for me taking down the greatest demigod in centuries."

Stiles eyes shot open when a scream that seemingly shook the building hit his ears. Confused and uncertain what was happening he noticed people rushing into Lydias room. He followed suit and his eyes widened as he saw the room was completely empty and the daughter of Athena was no where to be found.

Scott shot awake as an ear piercing scream came flying into his superior hearing. He took a few deep breaths as he could hear the scream strangely echo through our Beacon Hills before suddenly he remembered he had heard that scream before. Not as loud, but the night Peter had trapped himself and his friends in the high school.

"Lydia?!" Scott gasped confused before his phone suddenly lit up to see Percy calling him.

"Hello!" Scott answered urgently.
"I'm assuming you heard that as well?" Percy asked his voice strangely serious.

"Yeah, why?" Scott asked confused.

"Lydia is a demigod Scott, and she's been bitten... when demigod blood and an alpha bite mix, well let's just say it can get a little odd," Percy explained. "Stiles is on his way to you right now, meet us at Dereks."

Across town, oblivious of what was happening to his so called "companions" Jackson ripped the bandage off his side and smiled as he saw the bite Derek had gave him was gone.

"See how you can beat a demigod werewolf Percy," Jackson stated with a smirk as he tossed the bandage away in the trash can. As he turned away from the mirror he was oblivious to the sudden scales that morphed away across his back.

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