Chapter 6

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"You're really avoiding him aren't you?"

You looked at Kuroo while drinking with your milk that you bought from a vending machine. You looked up at the clear blue sky and sighed.

"I'm know...not sure yet." You said.

"Oh please! Don't tell me that you still haven't moved on from that bastard." Kuroo said with a angry tone in his voice.

"I've moved on already onni-chan. It's just that, I'm not sure if I'm ready to open up my heart again okay? And plus...Bokuto-kun is a great guy....then I'm just someone who's weird?" You said.

"I think Bokuto is weirder than you." Kuroo said.

You laughed at what he said. Bokuto is weird sometimes but that makes him one of a's already like his signature personality.

"You're also great (Y/N)-chan.It runs from our blood." Kuroo said confidently. You laughed at what he said because Kuroo can be really so confident sometimes....or should I say all the time. He may be nervous sometimes when it comes to competitions but he still held his head up high.

"Keep the blood circulating." you said. Kuroo gave you a nod and a smile.

"Then keep the oxygen moving" Kuroo said and lend you his hand for you to stand up.

You hold Kuroo's hand and stood up.

"So the mind will keep on working." you continued.

When you finished drinking your milk you throw it in the trash bin but Kuroo suddenly said something.

"And also for the heart to keep on working." Kuroo said and gave you a smirk.

"Bye (Y/N)-chan, I still have classes to attend to and by the way...if you're afraid to open up your heart because of making any mistakes again, then a little but of advice (Y/N)-chan. Without mistakes, life is boring." Kuroo said and started walking away from you.

You were just staring at his back until he was out of your sight. You were processing on what he just have said.

"Without mistakes...we will never know what's the right thing to do next time." You whispered to yourself.

You stared at the clear blue sky and closed your eyes. You felt the gentle wind touched your delicate skin and thought about what just happened last week.


"Starting now, you're not going to fight alone."

Bokuto said and with his gentle lips. He kissed your temple.

After he kissed your temple you looked at his golden colored eyes. He gave you a smile that brought warmth to your soul and you felt butterflies in your stomach. 

"Kuroo told me and don't get mad at him for telling me about your past.  I was asking him about you (Y/N)-chan. I'm right here....I won't let you feel that kind of burden." Bokuto said then with his gentle hands he wiped your tears.

You were going to say something but a fist suddenly appeared and it landed on Bokuto's cheeks. You looked at Riku and you saw that his eyes were full of anger.

"Boke! don't touch her." Riku screamed at Bokuto.

You saw Akaashi running towards Bokuto and checked his face. Kaito also ran towards Riku to calm him down. 

"Fuck of stupid Volleyball player! Don't touch anything that isn't yours!" Riku screamed again.

"So what Riku-Kun? Do you own her then?" 

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