Chapter 3

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You were waiting for Kuroo and Kenma outside the gym. They were still cleaning and you badly want to help, but you kinda feel this uneasiness feeling when Bokuto is around.

Since you didn't know what to do you grabbed your phone and scrolled unto your social media accounts. Two names caught your eye... You stiffened and a tear escaped your eye. You immediately wiped your tears using your right hand,because you might look stupid for crying over these two people. But you couldn't stop crying.... Because finally, the wish that you've been praying for is now granted. You closed your eyes while hoping your tears would stop.

"Eh... What are you doing?"

You immediately wiped your tears and looked away. You forced yourself to smile and looked at Bokuto. He was staring at you with an innocent face, you smiled at him then shaked your head.

"I was just practicing some lines for our play." You lied.

He raises his eyebrow at you then smiled.

"Are you in the drama club? Because the way you acted a while ago was really cool." He said.

You looked at Bokuto's face and you suddenly envied him. You wish to be like Bokuto who has a strong personality and smiles all the time.

"No, that would be exhausting!" you exclaimed.

"Well you have a point there. You should be an actor tho! The crying part was so real hahaha." He said while laughing.

You also faked a laugh inorder to vibe what Bokuto thinks but the truth is you were crying not because of a play but because of someone.

"But,you're also good at volleyball. You're really cool (Y/N)!" Bokuto said while smiling at you.

A smile plastered on your face because of what Bokuto said. For a minute, you thought to yourself that it was a relief Bokuto appeared. Because if not, you would still be crying right now. The pain in your chest slowly faded away by seeing the man infront of you smiling.

"oya oya....What is the owl doing here with the cat?"

You looked at Kuroo while raising his eyebrows. He looked at you with a smirk, you avoided his gaze right away because you already know how your cousin thinks.

"Your cousin is really good in Acting Kuroo!" Bokuto said loudly.

You looked at Bokuto by saying that. Your cousin knows you too well that you're not good with acting....especially when it comes with lying.

"She is?" Kuroo asked while raising an eyebrow towards you.

"Yeah! She cried a while ago saying it was for their play! and it looks so real!" Bokuto said.

Kuroo was smiling but you can sense that deep down he's really serious.

"If you'll excuse us owl head, I need my cousin right now." Kuroo said.

"Eh?" Bokuto asked while looking at you then looked at Kuroo.

"Okay then...I'll go find Akaashi." Bokuto said then went inside the gym to find Akaashi.

You looked at Kuroo and he was staring at you with a serious look.

"Onni-chan, I'm starving...let's go find Kenma-kun and have dinner." You said while faking a smile.

"You can fool the Owl head (Y/N) because he's slow sometimes but you can't fool me." Kuroo said with a serious tone.

You suddenly felt nervous because of how serious Kuroo is.

"Onni-chan...i-it was just for our play." You said while stuttering.

"You're stuttering (Y/N) if this is about that boy, please forget him already...I know it's hard but he's not worth it. There are plenty of fishes in the sea (Y/N)." 

You looked at Kuroo and you saw a worried expression in his face.

"We should go to the cafeteria for dinner. Kenma is already there...we saw you talking with owl head so he already left." Kuroo said and started walking.

If only I can get rid of the fish that stole my heart.

If only there's a fish that I could love more.

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