chapter 1

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"Hey (Y/N)." 

Your friend sakura, called you. You looked at her and she pointed at the door and you saw Kuroo your cousin. You nodded at Sakura and walked towards Kuroo.

"onii-chan?" you asked.

"You also have practice match tomorrow right? Can you come at our practice match after yours? Let's eat together with Kenma." He said.

Without hesitation you agreed. Kenma and Kuroo is really close with you. You treat them both as your big brother. Kuroo also treats you as her little sister and also Kenma. They both knew about your past relationship and they've been there for you. The pain is still in your heart but you know you deserve better. You've been ghosted with the boy you first loved and Kuroo couldn't agree with that. You now heard that he's the team captain in basketball in Itachiyama Academy.

Kuroo waved goodbye at you because he still have classes to catch up to. You waved back and walked towards sakura.

"(Y/N) what was that about?" Sakura asked.

You sat in your chair and looked at your phone.

"Onni-chan said that I'll go to their practice match after ours." You said.

"That's great...and by the way (Y/N) you're really popular these days. Boys from the other classes got their eyes on you because you're really a good libero!" Sakura said and clapped her hands.

"I'm not really that good." You said shyly.

You believed that you're really not that good. Because once you're in the court you really don't know what's happening. All you know is that you love the game and you want to make the most of it because it makes you happy. You also want to be the defender in your team.

"Well, I can't agree with that." Sakura said and immediately walked towards her chair because your homeroom teacher already arrived.


"Hey (Y/N) -chan!" 

you looked at the captain because she was calling you.

"Yes captain?" you asked and you were a little worried because you thought you did something wrong.

"Why is your face like that? Are you nervous? Hahaha don't be. I'm just here to say that you're really good in defending our team. Let's work harder for nationals ey!" The captain said to you and smiled widely.

"Kuroo-kun really has a talented cousin." The team setter said.

"Hehe I'm still practicing senpai." You said.

"Pshh don't be shy (Y/N) ! You're really good at it! Not bad for a first year." The team setter said.

Everyone descrbes you as a shy type. You're really outgoing during your middleschool days but all of that have changed. After the small chats with your senpai, you excused yourself because you still have to go to your cousin's practice match. You walked pass by a vending machine and you decided to get some yogurt.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't be like that Akaashi! I'm the ace! I will be your knight!" A voice said.

You looked at the hall where that voice came from and you saw a man with a number 4 on his jersey and has a white colored hair.

"Please don't make me a princess bokuto." The man name Akaashi replied.

"Of course not! You're the horse!" the man with the number 4 jersey said.

You laughed because of what he said. But you immediately stopped when they noticed it.

"He you there! Whats funny?" He asked.

You stiffened a little because they saw you laugh. You don't know  what to say because you really didn't intend to react what they were talking. But thankfully Kuroo immediately saw you.

"Oi! What's your problem with my cousin owl head!" Kuroo said while pointing at owl head.

"She laughed." Owl head exclaimed.

"Don't be such a child Bokuto-kun. She just laughed because of your face." Akaashi said.

The owl head looked at you with full curiosity. 

"What's with my face?" He asked.

Akaashi rolled his eyes and you luaghed a little bit because of how the owl head thinks.

"See she laughed again!" The owl head exclaimed.

"Oh, shut up owl head! There's nothing wrong with her laughing." Kuroo said and looked at you.

"Come now (Y/N) me and kenma have been waiting for you." Kuroo said and gave you a hint to follow him inside.

The owl head was just staring at you and when you passed by him you raised your eyebrow because he was just like a hawk looking at you.

"You are cute." he said and smiled wildly.

You didn't know what to say but you felt your heart flutter and your cheeks were hot.

Please not now 

you said to your self.

My Ace [Bokuto x Reader]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ