Childhood AKA Babies

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A great person once said
A baby is God's opinion,
That the world should go on.
         - - Carl Sandburg

They are called little angels
Who are so innocent and pure
Together with their smiles and cries
It sure does ring us bells.

This littles ones,
Don't know whats good and bad
They can't even determine whats right and wrong
Yet their giggles are our sweet song.

Yes, they do tires us
They also give us headaches
Not to mention one hell of an ass
But one thing is, they can never give us heartbreaks.

Never hurt a child
Even though they are very wild
They may forgive you if you hurt them
But they will never forget what you will do to them.


How about you? Do you love babies?
Me : yes cause they're cute, 😊

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