Never Look Into The Mirror

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Yesterday I saw myself in the mirror
I was just staring at it, with no emotions expressed
My mouth kept still
As my eyes roamed over my body

Yes, I have a fat body I know
I have dark skin I know
I have thick hairs I know
But I never let it get the best of me

That is why I never held any emotions
In that mirror, i held my tears
As I knew the tears that I held
Yes, those crystal tears that wants to flow down my cheeks

I never understood why I was crying
Is it the fact that I never cared
Or is it the fact that I cared too much
Inside those castles I have built inside
I never understood why I chose this kind of life
Had I overlooked on some things?
Or have I stepped on things that I shouldn't?

And here right now, I still think there would be still someone
Someone who can be with me eternally
Was I asking for too much
Yes, I brought this upon myself

I have walked a dark path
A very shallow and narrow path
A gruesome and dangerous path
And here I am asking someone
"Will you follow me to the depths of hell? "

Ow what a mirror it is, that gave me this feelings
Feelings brought by overthinking
Maybe right now I should never stare at a mirror
And just be my self.

Since that is all I knew from the day I was brought to life
Never look into the mirror again
Never spend time looking at it
And just do what you want to do.

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: THE LYRIC POET :Moments to BorrowUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum