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We had found a car and started a fire on the road and so I was tired so I went in the car on the road too and was about to go to sleep until Carl opened the door." Thought I'd go to sleep with you." He said as he sat on the driver's side. So to tired to think I layed my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Carl's POV

She laid her head on my shoulder and fell asleep and so I wanted to do this before anyone ruined it. I kissed the top of her head and played with her hair before falling asleep.

Layla's POV

I woke up to banging on the window I opened my eyes to see a fat guy with a knife on the window so the first thing I thought of doing I did and tried jumping in the backseat but failed when the two guys opened the doors and grabbed me and Carl and thrown us on the ground and held weapons up to us. I also never heard this come out of Carl's mouth." LET HER GO! DON'T HURT HER!!!!" He screamed at the man holding my wrists. I smiled this time a real smile. Until this bastards hands made their way to the zipper on my jeans and started unzipping them I started squirming yelling " Carl, Carl, Please Help Me, Don't Let Him Do This To Me!" He looked up to see this man was gonna rape me and for the first time I saw him mouth ' I love you' He then kicked the guy in the balls and grabbed his knife and stabbed his arm and the man said " You little ass hole, Oh I see, you want girly over there well guess what you cant have her" and he grabbed Carl and chocked him. And I started saying " Let him go!" Until the man let go of him. I then saw Daryl come out. " Daryl PLEASE!" I begged Daryl still struggling. " Come on man these people are good." Daryl said." Oh yeah then how come one of them killed one of us?" Joe said and then they started beating Daryl and Carl kept struggling to get free as I had just given up, this man was still working on my pants and I looked at Carl and said " I'm Sorry..." I looked at him with guilt signiling that I was giving up on myself. He shook his head and said " Please don't give up, for me" I blacked out after that but some how I heard him say " I love you Layla, I always have, please don't give up please!"

I think I love you (Carl Grimes LS)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum