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Layla's Pov
I watched as it's teeth were about to sink into my shoulder as another walker came and grabbed my arm, Glenn shot the first one but it was to late for the second as it bit my arm and I screamed in pain as I saw Michonne slice its head as I fell to the floor scared. "L-Lay-Layla?" Glenn sobbed as I shook my head and said "leave me." But he shook his head desperately. "Layla no I'm just gonna carry you back OK?" I nodded as he carefully placed me over his shoulder and started running towards the flare and into some building as I started losing conciseness. "What happened!" I heard Maggie yell as someone else took me off Glenn and set me down as I heard arguing. " layla?" I heard Carl sob but out of no where he kissed me and I felt like my life was draining out and I opened my dark brown eyes and looked up at him. " Hey guess what.." I said gasping, " what?" He chocked out as I smiled. "I think I love you Carl Grimes." I smiled big as he smiled too. "I think I love you too, Layla Marie Johnson." He started sobbing and put his head on my chest as I felt the life draining out of me. "I know I love you." We said at the same time as I breathed my last breath.

Carl's POV
The next day after I shot her we buried her in Alexandria as I sobbed at her funeral and remembered what she said. "I think I love you Layla Marie Johnson, always thought I did, never will stop." I cried some more as I placed a picture of her down as I walked away. I think I love you.

A/n this is sadly the end. But please if you would read my other storys as well so well this was probably the saddest ending I have ever wrote, I am feeling like I want to cry. Well for now, see you later.

I think I love you (Carl Grimes LS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant