Sero never thought that Kaminari, his best bud, would harass you. Sure, he witnessed it first hand, but Kaminari needed to learn some respect. "Funny," Kirishima sneered. "They never agreed to a date. Plus, they're going on a date with me today." There was a moment of silence before Kirishima continued to speak. "Now, (Name) and I have things to do. C'mon Doll." "What? (Name)! Why are you going on a date with him?!" They heard the blonde shout. "I'm they're boyfriend, dipshit," Kirishima snarled. Usually, Kirishima would watch what he would say, but around Kaminari, he could care less now.

"Bye now," they heard the redhead taunt. It was kinda funny to hear Kaminari hissing through his teeth, but his next words made Mina and Sero shiver. "Dammit. That damned Kirishima. I got rid of him. Why does he still hang around my (Name)?" The recording stopped playing as Mina and Sero ripped the earbuds out of their ears before tossing the phone and the adapter back to Bakugou.

"See what I mean?" Bakugou asked, cocking an eyebrow. "What does he mean by he got rid of Kirishima?" Sero asked. Bakugou looked down and closed his eyes, his bangs forming a shadow over them. "I'm thinking Dunce Face framed Shitty Hair," he whispered, which was barely audible for them to hear. But they still heard it.

Mina and Sero stayed silent. "Alright, here are your orders," Himawari interrupted, feeling awkward to barge in on their conversation. Sero and Mina quickly sent her a grin, thanking her for the food. Bakugou muttered a small thank you, watching as she walked away.

"Out of the creepy topics, let's talk about the waitress," Sero chimed, ready to get the tension out of the air. "Why the fuck would we talk about her?" Bakugou huffed. "Dude, seriously?" The tape user asked. "You were totally checking her out!" Mina chimed. Bakugou bit his tongue to fight back from yelling. He knew they were true. He hates lying. Bakugou shoved a spoonful of his food into his mouth aggressively, glaring at his classmates through his bangs.

"Ask for her number, man," Sero pressed. Bakugou put his spoon down as he swallowed. "I will fucking obliterate you, Elbows," he hissed. Sero put his hands up in a surrendering motion as Mina giggled to herself. "Is everything doing okay over here? Can I get you a refill?" Himawari asked, pointing to Bakugou's almost empty glass at the other side of the table. The blonde nodded before grabbing the cup by the top, his fingers pressing against the rim. Her hand brushed his as she took it away, causing another unfamiliar feeling pulsing towards his heart.

Himawari smiled at him, a warm and gentle one. She gave him a small wave before she turned away to fill up his glass. "Bakugou! You're blushing~" Mina teased. "No I'm fucking not!" He snarled, slamming his hands on the table and standing up.

"Uhm, I have your water..?" The sudden appearance made Bakugou jump and sit back down, looking in the other direction. Mina laughed at his reaction as you set down his water. "Haha, relax. The cafe is a good place to relax and relieve some stress," Himawari mumbled, patting Bakugou's shoulder softly. He almost immediately relaxed at the soft touch, and held back the irritated groan when she pulled her hand away.

Not even twenty minutes later, Bakugou heard her yelling. He stood up to get a better look of what was happening, and his eyes narrowed in disgust. Disgusting... an wrinkly old geezer tryna touch on a high school student... he thought. The man wasn't really wrinkly or old. Maybe his late thirties or early forties. But still disgusting.

"Stop touching me," Himawari hissed. The man reached out to grab her by the hand, only for that hand to be stopped. "I said to stop fucking touching me," the female snarled. The woman yanked the man by the top of his head and dragged him across the floor with ease, much to Bakugou's surprise. The creep thrashed and squirmed in Himawari's grasp, but nothing was done to stop her. "Get the fuck outta here, you piece of shit!" She yelled, throwing the man out onto the streets.

Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima x GN!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now