"This means that we have to keep our status here too. Your father arranged a match for you and is still in negotiations for Alex's match."

All the blood in my body drained away. My father was in negotiations. Like the girl is only an artifact to be sold to the highest bidder. But they are simply marrying us off. For the sake of our name. My thoughts immediately went to Alex, he would never be satisfied with a woman. He told me he had an eye for Liam but Liam kept flirting with me earlier at the training grounds. Surely Liam Kensington would marry the youngest princess, Grace, Christopher's sister.

My father pulled me out of my spiral of thoughts. "You are to marry the prince."

I felt light-headed. The prince. Not any random British guy but the prince. That will make me a princess, a role I was not prepared for but most of all a role that I do not want. I didn't know yet what I would do with my life but being a princess never crossed my mind.

"I have seen you two together since we arrived. You seem to have developed a good relationship with him," my mother told me.

Hot tears of rage sprung up in my eyes and I whispered, "But this is not what I want, this is not what I'll ever want." Unable to control myself, I let the tears roll down my cheeks and I practically screamed before reminding myself of the offices around, "This is so unfair!" I turned to my mother. "You are a Darlington and you chose your husband."

Pain flashed across her eyes as I brought back the memory of her leaving her family for Edward. "I was betrothed, but I chose Edward over my betrothed and over my family. I ran away and it took me years before contacting them again."

I couldn't believe what Mother was saying. She had been betrothed too and didn't want it and escaped her marriage for love. And now she expected Alex and I to marry someone we didn't want?

The room spun around me and I staggered toward the door. My corset tightened over my chest, caging my breath. My back hit the door. "I-I can't." I opened the door and ran. On the elevator ride downstairs, I clawed at the laces at the back of my dress to loosen them. Once back in the hall, I walked as calmly as my enraged mind could. I lost myself in my anger and disappointment until I was back in front of the Darlington Mansion.

Seeing me out of my constant calm and playful appearance, Bessie snapped me from my trance, "Nini? Is everything all right?"

I tried to look strong for her but failed to. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you."

I made my way to my room and shut and locked the door. I slid to the ground and everything in me broke. I didn't hold anything back anymore and it all flowed down. At least I knew my future husband but I liked him as a friend.

I opened my ring and texted Chris asking about some important announcement his mother probably told him about after I left.

Chris: Hum, yeah. I guess you know that we're now supposed to get married.

I winced at the fact that this was very real.

Naomi: I thought that my brother would've been the one to marry a princess since he's older.

Chris: You know what? I think we should talk about it face to face. Name a time and place and I'll meet you there.

Naomi: You told me about this club in the Shard. Let's meet there at 4 pm for tea.

I don't think my night-blue dress would be appropriate for an elite club in broad daylight. I was still shaken by what happened so I called Andrea to help me.

                                                              *          *          *

Before leaving for the Shard, I tried to pass through new hallways to escape my siblings's questions, especially Alexander's. I changed my elegant gown for a dark blue maxi skirt and a white tank top.

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