My Arms are Warmer-Sprace Fluff!

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(Word count: 722
Normal Newsies time period
Ship: Spot Conlon x Racetrack Higgins)

Race had finally taken his much needed trip to Brooklyn, he missed Spot more than anything since it had been more than two months since they were able to find the time to see each other. It was rather cold so by the time Race had reached Spot's place he was shivering and hugging himself a little. He knocked on the door and tried his best to stop the shivers so Spot wouldn't notice and begin to worry about him. 

Spot had quickly opened the door and a smile came to his face seeing his boyfriend, he quickly pulled him into a tight hug. He paused a little feeling just how cold Race's skin and clothes were. Then he felt Race's shivers and only grew more and more worried...

"Race...I told you to wait until the cold had calmed a little...I don't want to worry about my love freezing to death because of me..." Spot said with the rare soft tone to his voice

Race, embarrassed and his lips too numb to speak just cuddled closer into spots shoulder. Despite the height difference, Race always found a way to cuddle in closer. 

Spot let out a soft sigh before he lightly reached up and cupped Race's cheek. Race immediately leaned into his touch, having royally missing it...

"Come inside Race...I'll get some blankets so we can warm you up...I hate seeing you like this pumpkin..."

Race gave him a small nod with a smile. He adored every nickname that came from Spots lips, rather he likes every word that comes from Spots lips. He could listen to that man talk for hours and never get bored...that tone, that accent...just everything..

Spot moved his hand from Race's cheek and moved it to hold Race's and brought him inside. Spot closed the door then sat Race on the couch. He took his attention off him for a few minutes to grab some blankets. By the time Spot's attention was back on Race, he was sitting on the couch hugging his knees and sniffling a little, hiding his face.

Spots eyes widen seeing Race and he rushed back to his side. He quickly pulled Race into his arms and held him tightly.

"What's wrong?! Are you okay?" He asked quickly

Race wrapped his arms around Spot's waist and buried his head in his chest. 

"I-I just missed you so much...Two months was way too long not to be with you.." Race muttered, his voice slightly muffled by the way he was cuddled

Race furrowed his eyebrows and he gave a very soft smile. He lightly rubs Race's back in a very comforting and loving sort of way.

"I know pumpkin...I felt the same...But now we have a few days to spend together, just the two of us, and then we can go back to our normal weekly visits...I promise.." Spot reassured 

Hearing that Race smiled. He slowly calmed under Spot's gentle and light touch.

"Thank you Dewdrop...It means so much to hear that..."

Race had only recently started calling Spot that, his reasoning was that he felt like Spot was his good luck and his fortune and he told him he was lucky to have him.

"I'm its late Pumpkin...get some rest, I can bring you around Brooklyn tomorrow.." 

Race nodded and climbed into Spot's lap, clinging like a Koala bear. He wrapped his legs and arms around him, his head moving to his shoulder.  Spot wrapped the blankets he'd brought around the two and kept Race as close as he could, both to protect him and to make sure he was comfortable and safe. He moved one hand to gently run his fingers through Races hair. Race immediately melted under his touch. His breath was slow and content as he closed his eyes.

Being in his arms and under the blanket Race began to warm up and only cuddled closer to his boyfriend. 

"I love you dewdrop..." Race muttered tiredly

A soft, loving smile formed on Spot's lips hearing that.

"I love you too pumpkin, so much more than you'll ever even understand..." Spot responded kindly

Race smiled lovingly as he began to drift off to sleep. Spot's gaze never left Race, he wanted to make sure his boyfriend slept happily and peacefully, and if that would be right there to hold him closer and calm him down...

He was going to marry this boy one day...He just knew it... 

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