Inside The Exoskeleton

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      I awoken again, groaning. It must've been only minutes since I got knocked out. How did I know? Redgi was still dragging me down the hall by my leg. I stay limp as he continued to drag me. After five minutes, he pushed a door open. I watched my surroundings. It was the services room where they stored the extra body parts. He dragged me in and dropped me, still thinking knocked out. The bear-monkey grabbed a head. He came back over to me, ready to put a head on me.

     I slammed my fist in his head. I heard him emit a groan. I grabbed my pocket knife which was still in my sleeve. He attempt to crawl towards me and knock me out again. I quickly stabbed the pocket knife into what I thought was a fake eye.

       The eye popped. Blood and liquids spewed from the broken eye. The eye was real. The eye was fucking real. I shoved the knife deeper into the animatronic skull. I listened to popping of breaking wires and the pocket knife scrape against the metal insides. I continued to push the knife into the metallic skull of the animatronic till I could no longer retrieve. The animatronic screeched and made strange noises. I listened as the animatronic began shutting down. I must've broke enough wires to the point where it couldn't function correctly. The body of the now unworking Redgi laid in a strange position on the floor.

      I took a few breathes before crawling over the animatronic. I wrapped my hands around the head and tugged. I heard a snap and the robotic head popped off. I threw the head to the floor next to me. I heard the thud of the head striking the floor but I also heard something rolling. I picked the head back up. Horror filled my body quickly. On the checkered floor laid a skull. A child-size skull.

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