Ending Of Night Two

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       My hand quickly hit the light button. The lights flashed, revealing Monica standing there. Her mouth was open as if she was about to tear off my head. I paused for a moment. The animatronic hissed. My hand than slammed down on the button that closed the door. I stayed still as I listened to Monica slam her robotic body against the door. Finally, everything went silent. Her gears began turning as she slithered away. She hissed as if she was frustrated that the door wouldn't open. I took a deep breath before opening the door again. She was gone.

      I checked the clock once again. 4AM. Two more hours till night two is done. I sighed and relaxed back into my chair. I stared at the camera that was focused on the party room. Already someone else was getting ready to come after me. Patsy. She stood there silently in between two tables. Her eyes were focused on the camera. Her beak was slightly opened. "What is she doing?" I said aloud. I knew no one could hear me but I needed the comfort of a human voice.

    Patsy didn't move. I guessed she didn't like moving with the camera pointed on her. I switched the camera to check on Foxy. He hadn't move. The fox was still stationed in the same position as last time I checked him. I felt relieved by this. At least I won't have an angry pirate fox trying to kill me yet. I switched the camera to look at the band again.

    Each head of the band members were turned toward the camera. They all just stared at the camera. I felt a panic attack kicking in. I took deep breathes to calm my shot nerves. I never noticed how realistic their eyes were. I felt as if I saw blood ooze from the sockets. It was like a head was crushed into the animatronic mask and they forced the eyes out of the human's socket to become the animatronic eyes. The band of animals kept staring at me. They didn't stare at the camera but they stared at me. They stared at my soul.  


     I forced myself to change the camera. I rubbed my face. "What the fuck was that?" I said to myself. It was like it was theme between the robots to stare into my soul just to try to crush me. First it was Monica than it was Patsy. Now the entire band. I heaved a shaky breath. You are falling into their trap. They want you to be like this. They want your guard down. I checked each door by lighting up the halls. Finally, I saw the time. 6AM. It was over for now.

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