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"Luna, it's not that simple," I mutter feeling my cheeks aflame as she stares at me with crossed arms and a sour look.

Great, now she's mad.

"It is, they care about you! They want to be with you and protect you. But you keep pushing them away," she snaps voice harsh.

I inhale shakily, flinching when she reaches toward me, Luna opens her mouth to speak but a gunshot is heard.

"What was that?" I ask softly, looking toward the boys who are heading toward us with our makeshift weapons.

"I don't know, could it be the signal?" San questions looking around but it was just our little group.

"They said we start tomorrow," Yeosang says and Sam scoffs, I look toward him to see him wearing a sour expression. "This is Zachary we are dealing with, he doesn't play by the rules."

An image flashes through my head of what had happened to our parents but I shoved it aside.

"Sam, just calm down-," "Hope, you know how that psycho thinks and acts why aren't you freaking out?" San cuts me off, anger in his voice.

"Because, that's what he wants, I did it before I'm not doing it again," I snap grabbing a spear from Jongho and walking off toward the trail pass the cars and road leading out.

"Where are you going? You can't just wander off," Lukas calls, "I'm going to check out the place and get away from the arguing," I reply not turning around.

We've been fighting too much and I've been scared enough.

I still am but no one needs to know.

I swallow hard when I hearing nothing but my breathing and footsteps.

There is a light wind but that's it.

As I walk further I see some trees are either dying or burnt some still have some green of them.

Half of the forest looks dead and the other looks as if it's dying.

What happened here?

"Hope, you should really stop wandering off," Wooyoung calls from behind me.

I keep walking, trying to find any clues of what they might be planning.

This couldn't just be a simple game they wanted to play…

What could they be up to?

"Hope, come on this isn't the smartest thing," he murmurs appearing on my left.

"Neither is sitting around waiting for something to happen," I reply, voice cracking slightly. "Hope…we want to help…but you won't let us," he says voice softly. I let out a sigh feeling a stabbing sensation in my heart.

Love problems and danger what more could a girl want?

"I know…Woo, I left you guys because I wanted to protect you," I say softly and hear his breathing hitch but before he can reply, arguing and pounding footsteps are heard from behind.

Of course, still arguing like kids.

"What were you thinking Hope-," Yunho is cut off by a gunshot.

Sounds like it's coming down from the path we're on.

"Nope, no we're taking a different route," Seonghwa says grabbing me and dragging me into the wooded area, partly out of sight.

I look behind me to see Lukas keeping Luna close Sam at their side.

The others were also holding onto each other, faces blank though I swear Hongjoong is somewhat wearing a scowl.

We follow the path, carefully, I jump slightly as laughter rings out followed by a scream.


But what if it's another fake?

Seonghwa tightens his grip on my hand and moves a little faster.

My heart feels as if it wants to jump out of my chest and run away, somehow still not use to them touching me and fear crawling up my spine.

"Please, w-why a-are y-you doing this?" A girl's voice cries, sounding hoarse and terrified.

We immediately hide behind boulders or trees or lay flat down if possible.

I peek above the boulder, Seonghwa's grip trying to pull me down but I resist.

I see four males surrounding a girl, who is wearing torn clothing, blood seems to cover her and she looks somewhat hurt.

What're they doing to her?

My eyes widen in horror as Zachary steps forward, with a lit match and throws it on her.

"Cover Luna's ears," I snap loud enough for Lukas to hear.

I flinch as her scream tears through the air feeling my stomach turn.

I slide down the rock, feeling my breathing coming in short as my blood pounds in my ears and tears blur my vision.

Mum and dad screamed like that when-

I feel hands cover my ears and pulled into a chest not relaxing fully, I try to breath.

Mum and dad I'm sorry-


"No, Zach don't do this! No," I yell trying to free myself to reach my parents but the bindings are tight.

"You shouldn't have disobeyed me Princess, either your boys or your parents," he says harshly walking toward their figures.

They're tied down, bodies wet from, something I don't what.

"Nev-never, leave th-they baby," mum says voice cracking, I shake my head words stuck in my throat.

"Mum, dad please don't leave me, don't leave us," I plead voice cracking.

"Make your choice boys or them," he hisses playing with a match box.

I shake my head opening my mouth-

Flashback ends

I gasp, yanking myself away from whoever was holding me, heading pounding at the memory.

I hid that memory for a reason.

"Hope calm down, they're gone, it's over-,"

"It's never over! As long as he's alive! As long as I'm near him, or-or I'm alive it will never end!"

I just.…help me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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