❄Ch. 9: It's Just a Little Crush❄

Start from the beginning

Chie didn't seem to be buying this though as she gave her a look as if saying 'yeah right' as she picked up another piece of sushi and dipped it into some soy sauce.

"Then explain to me why he's always assigning you to go on patrol and do other stuff with him?" she questioned as she took a bite of the raw fish roll. "Plus he asked me if you were okay yesterday. Seemed like he was worried."

He did?

"It's probably just because I'm Endeavor's daughter," (Y/N) told her, unconvinced that it had anything to do with attraction. "Or maybe it's cause he believes in my abilities. I hope it's the latter."

Hawks like me? No way, does he even have time for a relationship with his kind of schedule? And with me of all people? Yeah, I don't think so.

"The heart wants what the heart wants," she responded, finishing her piece of sushi. "There's no way this could be one-sided though."

"Hm?" (Y/N) said, popping another piece of the raw fish roll into her mouth.

"I'm saying that you like him too," Chie told her, placing a hand under her chin as she waited for a reaction.

Like him??!

(Y/N) definitely admired the red-feathered hero and looked up to him but she didn't know if she actually had feelings for him like that. She had to admit that she did enjoy his company and felt at ease whenever he was around. This is probably the best she's felt in a while since arriving at his agency and she had him to especially thank for that but he was her superior first and foremost.

"There's a difference between liking someone and admiring them," she answered, still unsure of her true feelings. "But maybe I've got a small crush, I don't know..."

"I knew it!" the brown-haired girl said in a loud voice. "I knew you had a thing for him!"

"Chie, calm down," she laughed at her friend, not wanting everyone else in the restaurant to hear. "I said maybe."

"But you didn't say no so this ship of mine just might still set sail," she laughed in response as she took a drink from her beverage.

She ships us?

Totally unaware that Saito had spotted them through the window and was making his way inside the restaurant, (Y/N) continued to enjoy her sushi, savoring the flavors of the avocado and shrimp in the roll.

"No way... is that Akira Saito?!" Chie asked her as she looked behind her.

(Y/N)'s gaze quickly followed to where she was looking to see her neighbor heading in their direction.

Here comes trouble.

The model walked up to their table with a bright smile as he turned to her looking as 'fashionable' as ever in his designer clothes.

"(Y/N) I didn't expect to see you here," he told her, placing his hands down on the table. "Funny how we keep running into each other."

Please leave.

"You know him?!" Chie asked, looking star-struck at the man before her.

"Unfortunately," she muttered, rolling her eyes.

Saito then turned to Chie offering her an autograph and picture with him which she instantly accepted. (Y/N) zoned out of the conversation though, not wanting to hear the male ramble on about himself.

"Did you dye your hair?" Chie asked him as he put a hand through his now blue shoulder-length locks. "It used to be black before right?"

"Yeah, I decided to change things up a bit," he responded looking back towards (Y/N). "What do you think (Y/N)?"

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