David: Alright Max! Looks like you're gonna be our trail-blazer! I'm just so proud! 

*Angry kid noises* 
David: Everyone else is team David! 

David: That means you too, Magic Kid... Magic Kid. 

Harrison: Illusionist! 

Nerris: Sorceress!

David: Everyone keep your eyes peeled! You'll never know what you'll find! 

Space Kid: I FOUND A BUG! 

David: That's... great! 

David: Why don't you hold onto him? 

Space Kid: I'll put him in my helmet for safekeeping! 

Space Kid: >Whoa! Oh god, he's in my eyes!< 

Nikki: How many talons would you say we're looking for here? 

Yn: I'd say about four or five.

David: Heheh, um... 

Nikki: You know what? I'm just gonna go do my thing. We'll talk after. 

David: What's wrong, Nancy? 

Nancy: What's WRONG?! I wanted to spend my summer in an air-conditioned laboratory! Not walking around a future Wal-Mart parking lot! 

Yn: Nah I see this place as a amazon warehouse.

David: Aw, come on, Nancy! Nature can be your friend if you just give it a chance! 

Nancy: ...There's a raccoon trying to scavenge Nerris. 

Nerris: It's resistant to charms! 

David: Nerris! Play dead! 

Nerris: >I'm out of mana!< 

Nikki: Look!  *points to paw prints

Yn: Those look like bear prints.

Nikki: I smell a mascot! Come on, let's go! 

Nancy: This isn't what the buddy system is for! 

Yn: Are we not going to mention that we're following bear prints? No? Ok then.

*Owls hooting* 
Max: Look, man, we can just go back to the camp and relax. Gwen can be the mascot. 

Max: *Thud* Oof! 

Quartermaster: You kids think you're so SMART! 

Max: What? Uh, how does that relate to... 

Quartermaster: You need to see BEYOND the camp. Into the true beauty of nature! 

Max: Uh... this looks like the place where teenagers go to get stabbed. 

Quartermaster: ...Probably. 

Nikki: Ha-ho! Jackpot! 

Inside the cave are the remains of a bear.


Yn: It was a good try at least.

Nikki hugs Yn for comfort and Nancy gets jealous.

Nikki: I would've fed them porridge. 
And it would've been just right! 

Nancy: Oh well, I guess we should turn around and go back to live a normal life. 

Platypus: *Hissssss!* 

Nikki: Pssh, what's that? Doesn't look very cool. 

Nancy: That's a platypus. It's actually quite dangerous. I think it has a little poison spur on it's hind- 

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