"Hunter, just because you are a cop does not mean you can search my house without permission or question anyone like you want." She glares at me and I stop abruptly at a red light, causing us both to lean forward. I turn to face her. "First of all, you gave me a key to enter your house at any given moment and I am pretty sure being your boyfriend, you already gave me permission. Second, as your boyfriend I have full right to question a man who clearly is hiding something from me about my girlfriend."

She looks away for a moment before facing me again. "Okay, yes, I am pregnant." She answers, pointing to the box. "Who is the father?" She looks at me in shock. "It's yo-" I stop her with my hand. "Don't fucking lie to me Bianca." A horn behind us snaps be back to the road and I speed off, causing Bianca to fly back in her seat. "Hunter! Slow down!" She yelps from behind me and I change the gears before picking up more speed. "Hunter!" She yells and I start to slow down.

"I don't know." She whispers from beside me and I glare out the window. "Excuse me? I couldn't hear you?"
"I said I don't know!" She yells and I stop the car in a quiet street. "How the fuck don't you know, Bianca?" I spit out and she stares at me. She isn't scared of me. Bianca is fearless, but she does feel guilty about something. "Hunter...I.." She looks down at her hands and I can feel my heart sinking. "I don't know because I saw Ivan behind your back." I stare out the window for a few seconds.

Then I slam my fists into the steering wheel. "Fuck!" I yell and slam them into the steering wheel again. This time she flinched. "Hun-"
"Don't fucking talk to me." I growl out before getting out the car and slamming the door shut. I push my fingers through my hair and kick my car's tire. "For fuck's sake!" I yell again and walk up and down, rubbing my hands down my face.

"For how long?!" I yell at her and she just stares at me, before getting out of the car slowly as well. A car passes us by and her blonde hair waves in the wind the car made. It is the road leading to the next town over, so there is nothing surrounding us but land. She stands in front off me and I can see tears in her eyes. "I am so sorry, Hunter." I glare at her.

"That isn't what I asked, Bianca. I asked for how long have you been seeing him?" She looks down, a tear going down her cheek. "Six months." She whispered and my shoulders falls. Six months? Half a year? "Why?" I ask, my voice cracking. "Why now?" She looks at me again and lets out a breath.

"The first time was when we had this fight that caused us both to do reckless things. You crashed your car that night, which is why I told him I will not do it again." She starts to explain, "When you were laying on that hospital bed I promised myself I won't ever do what I did that night with Ivan ever again." I just stare at her. "But, while you were in the hospital for a month, Ivan and I got closer and things just started happening." She is watching me as she tells me this, waiting for when I crack again. 

"I slept with him, Hunter, not out of spite, but because I had fallen for him." If someone ever told you that they can feel their heart breaking into millions pieces, believe them. I am feeling that now. "I slept with him without protection, and I am very disappointed in myself for doing so. I had hoped you won't find out about this, after last night-"

"You wanted to lie to me and tell me that this is my baby?" I ask bitterly and she looks away, clearly ashamed. "I can't fucking believe you, Bianca." I stare at her as she sniffs. "I didn't want to hurt you, Hunter." I throw my arms in the air. "Then what did you expect?! That I would just be happy knowing that the girl who I actually trusted and loved fell for someone else?" I yell and she takes a small step forward. "Hunter, please. We both know that our hearts doesn't completely belong to each other."

"Don't try to put Julia in this mess you created." I growl out. "I am taking you home. I am done with you." I walk back to my car and get in, she just stands there for a few seconds before getting in the car as well. "Hunter, please don't stay mad at me forever." She asks softly and I keep quiet. To be honest, I don't know if I am mad or just hurt. I trusted Bianca to heal me after Julia, not to break me even more.

The rest of the drive was quiet. We didn't even try to talk to each other. I turn in to her street and an unfamiliar car was parked in her drive way. I feel my blood boil again when I realized who's it is. I stop the car and get out. "Hunter! Wait!" I hear Bianca yell from behind me, but I don't stop as I watch Ivan get out of his car. I am five feet away when he lifts his hands, "Listen man-" My fist connects with his face and he stumbles back as I lift my fist for the next punch.

"Son of a bitch!" He yells as he reaches for his bleeding nose, but before he could say or do another thing, my fist collides with his face again. "Hunter! Stop it!" I can hear Bianca behind me, but I don't want to stop. I walk towards his huddled body that is laying on the floor when I feel someone pull my arm. I stop and turn to look at a frightened Bianca.

Bianca? Frightened? 

"Leave." She whispers. "Now!" She yells. "Just leave!" I nod my head and turn my head to Ivan. "Think about that next time when you fuck another man's girl." I mutter and I walk towards my car with bleeding knuckles. My heart is racing and my adrenaline is high. I haven't punched anyone since high school. It felt good to punch Ivan.

I wanted to that ever since I saw him talking to Bianca.

A lot of thanks to @aasthagarg3 for your support through this book and the first one

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A lot of thanks to @aasthagarg3 for your support through this book and the first one.

Something Other Than Secrets (Sequel to My "Little" Secret is Out) COMPLETED.Where stories live. Discover now