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Deathbringer's POV

The sky was midnight blue and all the stars were twinkling in the beautiful open sky. Deathbringer looked at the stars and sighed. If only it could be like this all the time, he thought. Then I wouldn't have to deal with all this drama and Glory wouldn't have left the Rain Forest. Now she's gone and I don't know where she is. She could be kidnapped, lost, or worse...killed. He shuddered at the thought.

A few months ago, Glory and Deathbringer had a fight. It wasn't like their normal ones. It was like they were having a really terrible fight. A fight that could almost end their friendship, it almost did.


Glory was on her pavilion taking complaints from the dragons of the village. Glory looked exhausted and Deathbringer wanted to cheer her up. It CLEARLY backfired.

"Hey, um, wanna hear a funny joke?" Deathbringer asked, poking Glory's wing.

Glory sighed angrily and glared at Deathbringer. "No. I don't want to hear a joke. Not a funny joke. Not a stupid joke or any joke for that matter," Glory growled. Deathbringer grinned at her and Glory sighed. "But you are going to say it anyway," she said.

"I am. I am going to say it," Deathbringer grinned. Glory grunted angrily and jumped off her pavilion.

"You see! You NEVER listen to ME!" Glory yelled unexpectedly. Her scales flared red and orange all over her body. It was so unexpected that Deathbringer flinched when she shouted at him. "That's the problem with you! You think that you're big and bad but you don't listen to dragons when they tell you to stop!"

Deathbringer's face hardened and he frowned at Glory. "I'm sorry I'm not the only one in this weird friendship slash weird relationship that has a flaw!" Deathbringer shouted.

"And there you go again, thinking that we are in a relationship!" Glory exclaimed angrily. "Well guess what Deathbringer, we AREN'T!"

"Maybe we aren't but still, you feel like you have to hide your feelings towards me! You hide everything! There is a reason why most NightWings don't like a RainWing as there queen and it's not that they're lazy-even if they are-it's because they don't understand you!" He yelled. But once Deathbringer said it, he immediately regretted it. Glory's eyes were wide in sadness. Her scales turned grey and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Well..." Glory panted, "if the NightWings don't want me as their queen, then they should just get another one," Glory said, her voice breaking.

"What does that mean?" Deathbringer asked, worriedly.

"It means...I QUIT!" Glory screamed. She spread her wings open and took off into the sky. And it only took a few minutes for her to get out of Deathbringer's sight. Deathbringer watched as she slowly disappeared into the horizon with a tear sliding down his face.

"Knock, Knock. Who's there? Queen. Queen who? Queen Glory that's who...the best queen in the world," Deathbringer whispered. He heard flapping behind him and Deathbringer turned around and cleared his throat and wiped his eyes.

"Is Queen Glory here today?" said a RainWing. Deathbringer shook his head.

"She went on a vacation with her uh...friends...Grandeur will be in charge until further notice, Deathbringer said. The RainWing nodded and Deathbringer went to Grandeur's hut to tell her the news.

End of Flashback

Even if Glory was missing, he was dedicated to find her. Her and her beautiful green eyes. Deathbringer heard a rustle in the bushes and he whipped his head in the direction of the noise. He was in his defence stance and he started to growl.

"Who's there?" Deathbringer asked. The bushes rustled again, then surprisingly, a beautiful RainWing walked into the moonlight. Deathbringer sighed gratefully and ran towards her. Glory growled once he wrapped his wings around her, but he didn't care. Deathbringer just needed to know if she was real. "You are okay!" He sighed.

"Yeah, but I won't if you squeeze me to tight," Glory said sarcastically.

"At least now I can say what I want to say..." Deathbringer smiled. "HOW COULD YOU LEAVE ME LIKE THAT?!!!" Deathbringer yelled. "YOU CAN'T-" he was cut off by Glory pressing her snout against his snout. His eyes were wide but he was happy for the affection. When she pulled away Deathbringer open and closed his mouth. "What was that?"

"You wanted me to show my I did just that," Glory replied. Deathbringer looked at her, still VERY confused. She sighed, "I'm sorry...okay?"

"I-I'm sorry too...I'll listen to you more," Deathbringer apologized. "I forgive you..."

"I forgive you too," Glory replied. "Um...something occured to me when I was away-UGH! Um, I-I think I-I-GAH! Sharing my feelings SO hard," Glory ranted.

"Just say what's on your mind," Deathbringer advised.

"I love you," Glory blurted. "I always have."

Deathbringer grinned at Glory and wrapped his wings around her. "I love you too."

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