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I'm back baby!

~~~~~Yuki's POV~~~~~

Six days later

I've been helping Vicki pack all week. She hasn't objected to the idea of moving in with us which is surprising. This was her place, her home that's she's being forced from. There's a lot that she has to leave behind.

Tamoshi's place has more than enough room. It's actually multiple buildings on one property in the forest. We rent out to many, MANY different kinds of people. If you can't pay, you work.

We're pretty well known in the area. Anyone that needs somewhere to go comes to us.

Tamoshi had the idea to start our home about five years ago. He had the managing skills and I had the money, so why not?

I told Vicki that she could live with us when she first came here three years ago, but she always said she wanted to be alone.

I set the last box into the pick-up truck. Vicki pulls a backpack on her shoulders and steps out of the now empty house, dragging her feet as she makes her way towards the driveway. Her face shows no emotion.

"Are you okay?" I dust off my hands on my shirt as I try to analyze her.

"Yes." She says quietly as she makes her way to the passenger door, opening it and climbing to her seat. I head to the driver's side and hop in.

"Ready?" I ask, glancing at her. She nods, her eyes fixed on her shoes.

~~~~~Vicki's POV~~~~~

After a while of driving on a dirt path through the woods, we arrive at the place and my stomach sinks. I'm incredibly nervous to have my normal routine so suddenly mixed up, but in this universe, normality isn't a thing.

Large white stone walls separate the property from the rest of the forest. We enter through a gate and stop in a parking lot adjacent to what I would consider a small village. Residents walk along gravel paths between houses as a few children chase each other through the grass.

I've been here many times before but I've only ever been in the main building in the center. I seem to see new faces every time I visit, but now that I live here I should get used to meeting new people.

Yuki and I exit the truck. I grab my backpack and follow her down the pathway leading to the large tan house in the middle. We enter through the double doors and into the living room.

"Tamoshi?" Yuki calls.

"Tatsu?" she calls again, making her way into the small kitchen of the large house. I set my bag near the front door.

"Pillow, have you seen Tamoshi?" I hear her say from around the corner.

Pillow? What an odd name I think as I round the corner and enter the kitchen, seeing a guy in a bright yellow shirt and orange knit ski hat leaning against the counter, coffee in hand.

"Nope. Haven't seen him in days." he says, soon meeting my gaze with a shy smile and wave.

"He's probably still in the office." Yuki mutters to herself turning back to me. "I'll go check on him. Wait here." she says. I watch her make her way towards the staircase at the other end of the house, leaving me alone with Pillow.

 I turn back to the man to find him staring deeply into my eyes, a wry smile on his face. 

"Can I help you?" I ask, raising an eyebrow in confusion. He snaps from his trance and quickly looks at his coffee, pursing his lips.

"Sorry about that." he says with a chuckle. "I have to remember to ask first. I forget it's considered rude here."

"Care to elaborate?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"I'm a mind reader. I can see peoples' thoughts and feelings like words on a page. It makes it easier to get to know people but most find it a bit inappropriate. I'm sorry. I should have asked."

"It's... alright I suppose..." I say leaning on the counter beside him.

"I'm Paul by the way." He turns to me and reaches a hand out for me to shake it.

"Paul?" I say as I meet his hand with mine. "What about Pillow?" I joke.

"Just a nickname." he chuckles. "You'll get a lot of those around here."

"Well since my darling Tamoshi was up writing all night, he's sleeping at the moment." Yuki says as she slumps down the stairs and makes her way to the front door. "Follow me. I'll have to find you a place for tonight."

I grab my bag and wave to Pillow on my way out. I follow Yuki through the property, passing buildings, each door showing a silver name plate giving a short list of the residents. We continue along the path until we find a building with a nearly empty name plate that reads "~Wolfie Wolff~ Wica Pacsh~_____~_____~_____~_____~"

Yuki pushes the door open revealing a dark hallway with three doors on either side and a bathroom at the very end. "Not the best building, but it'll work until Tamoshi can hook you up. So pick a room, besides the two in the back. I'll grab some of your stuff from the truck."


I figure it's been long enough since I posted something.

I'm gonna keep writing until I've got about 5 more chapters before I start uploading any more.

I've got most of chapter 4 typed out already!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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