21. whole America (and 2 Europeans) vs Chile

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//POV argentina//
- let's start it- I yeeleed and Venezuela showed us, where he hided guns, we quickly get it
- remeber! dying is gay! - Brazil laughted. I tried to figure out where it's trigger is, yes. a blind person with a gun, great idea, right?
//POV. Peru//
argentina even if she don't see, she sti recognizes us, meantime Brazil was making sure, that nobody is spying us
- clear? - I asked
- yes. -   Brazil responded, but then something moved in bushes, I looked at it, and saw.... Poland and Italy
- chill.... we want to help - Poland said. Italy just runned out the bushes, but Venezuela catches her, and Poland face palmed
- Italy, you need to learn many things... - Poland get up and smiled
- how we can get sure, that you wanna help us? - Brazil asked supicius, and everyone looked at him like at idiot
- you know history of Poland? or what Prussia did to Italy - Argentina responded annoyed. after some times, we explained to two new members our plan, and started.
//pov. italy//
kicking moon army ass again! so cool! Argentina get into mansion to talk with Chile, Uruguay patrolled enternace.  time to start party!
Chile left mansion with Argentina, then Poland jumped on him, pinning him to the ground. I shotted every guard what I saw it's coming,  I felt gun in back of my head, but  Peru shotted guy who had that guy.
//POV. Chile//
shit.... I can't move.... Its not biggest problem, the biggest problem it's, that's look gay. I looked into Poland eyes in anger. he looked the same, his werewolf eyes. full of rage. i pushed him off with tail, and grabbed gun from dead soldier, and we're about to use Argentina weakness, and try shoot her, but then I felt something on my stomach, a pain, alwful pain. I looked down. blood...
- sorry "chilli" - I heard Brazil, looked up, and noticed him pointing at my head 
- b-bra-brazil! f-f-friend! d-dont y-you r-remeber!? - I tried to bring back his memories, and change his mind.
- remeber what? that you joined that gross army, and  enslaved us? that what you did to Argi? - he looked at me, full of rage.
- if y-you d-do it p-p-prussia won't forgive - I looked at Brazil weakly, everything started to be blur, I loosing much of blood
- I don't care- I heard shot, and then silence.... deep silence... 
why my chapters are so damn short  send help

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