14. cats and Romania

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//per Poland//
I woke up, yeah still in cave, Italy was still sleeping hugging my tail. I tried to get up, but I didint wanted to woke italy, Russia started to laught
- you protecting dog - he laughted and I bited his ear. I heard a whistle from Italy, and she woke up scared
- nightmare? right? - I asked her with care
- y-yeah - she answered looking at my eyes
i know pain what she are, I got kindnapped too, I was really young... I never forgive him it!
- we playing hide and seek, ok? dont go out from your hide, till I say you- my dad said, he looked stressed, but I hided anyway, after 10 minutes I heard steps... and scream... scream of my dad... I leaved hide to see dead body...
- dad... DAD! HEY! DAD! DAD! - I started to yell, don't understanding what going on. I noticed tall man behind me, looking at my ears what got down in sadness...
//end of flashback/more in cherry blossom chapter (soon)//
of that memory, I thinked also about my brother, thats familly have some fetish of killing my familly. why they didint kill me instead!? I fell to the ground and start to cry, Italy petted my head, I growled
- I just don't like to be touched on head.. - I said quietly, German empire was treating me like dog, I hated that, but Italy must had even worst life, she is just a human. I noticed that bat fell from the wall, he looked confused
- wait ... that smell... - Russia changed into human and came closer...
- what happend.... ouch... - bat said looking at Russia
- change into human. - Russia said
- yeah... yeah... if I remember how... - bat changed into Romania
- ROMAN! I TOUGHT YOU DEAD! - Italy cried in happiness and hugged Romania
- because I was... - Romania answered bb
a/n)ż ask
- you two tooking care about Italy? - Romania asked
- yeah - I responded
- t-thank you - Romania then suddenly hugged me, I growled, but Romania didint stop
- can you stop Poland don't like i- Russia tried to say
-its ok. - I said stopping his sentence
- can we talk Romania? - Italy askef and Romania stoped hugging me, they both leaved the cave

//pov Romania.//
Italy told me everything, and I never was THAT angry, why I never knew that!
- you joking right? - I asked and Italy waved head as no
kill THAT FUCKING FAMILLY. Russia leaved the cave to check we are ok
- uhh, Italy told you, what Prussia was doing to her? - Russia said looking at my eyes
- yes... - I answered, little bit sad, little bit angry, maybe confused, most confused thing is
how the hell I came back to live
- what about Kazi!? is he alive!? - I asked in panic
- some kind - Russia looks bit sad
- kazachstan is kazachstan Reich. - Italy said
- what!? - I yeeleed in confusion.
- last time, he wanted to break free, but he surrender. - Russia said, I changed into bat and was about to fly away, but Russia changed into wolf and caught me in mouth, and put down
- no. is dangerous - - he said worried.

-blah blah, I one time died, and I still here, what dangerous can it be- I looked away
Russia start to be annoyed
- anyways, kazachstan is in good hands till he don't try to run - Russia said
- wait, you just leaved him there!? - I yeeleed confused
- some kind, I gonna help him, but I can't took him away just like that, he have some emotional crisis - Russia explained

//per. kazachstan/kazachstan Reich//
I starting to go crazy
like I perfect fit to this fucking group
I was sitting on bed, still can't believe, that Prussia don't wanna buy a bed, because he thinking that me sleeping with same bed with Austrian empire is cute (fun fact: austrian empire stop to aging after reicarnation, and starts to be younger, so he is technically 15 years old A/N)
also, I forced to wearing stupid moon army soldier uniform because, Prussia thinks that I don't need other clothes
I leaved the room and go to the garden, this is not normal base, is changed at mansion, to fit us all, and countries under control, we have also garden, its very beautiful and relaxing, I can't run, because the fence is under elecrity, and garden is so big, so, they will notice when I start to run, but also I gonna get tired, in garden we have have whole forest, pond, we also have animals, bunch of animals! very good trained, Nazi really loves animals, we have even some stolen shiba's Inu and akita's Inu, we don't let having civils that kind of dog, of one easy reason
Prussia said, because of that soul army have Shiba Inu, we need to delegalize Shiba Inu, I was wondering around, seeing some Alpakas, llamas, and even more animals, I get into barn, and looked at place, where cat lives, I heard quiet meowing, I came closer and notice kittens
HOW CUTEEE, I didint notice that any cat being pregnant, but we have some newborn kittens.
- there you are buddy, I started to think you run awa- HOW CUTEEE - austrian empire said, picking up cats
- we gonna show it to Nazi! - Austrian empire yeeleed happly.
- right! - I get up and and start to run into mansion, and knocked to Nazi office
Austrian empire break into, before Nazi allowed us to enter, Nazi looked at cats at some minutes, after this, he just took cats away, hugging them
- what the hell is happening ther- - Russian empire walked into office to noticed a cats, he fall to the ground and start to laugh.
- but it's naturally imposible to cat born in winter - Nazi said
- and them have low chance to survive - Austrian empire added.
- I gonna think what do with them, now leave - Nazi said, and we all leaved, I got to the garden again, watching Alpakas
- Hi! - I heard peru standing next to me, from nowhere
- ummm, hello? - I said confused
Peru is one of the countries what we invaded, but we have llamas and Alpakas, so he is not have reason to run, or maybe, because he don't have a room or food, he just life with llamas, but it's not look like he don't like it, he is weird, being honest, i dont like him.

- wassup Kazi? - he asked happly

- dont call me Kazi wihout my premmision! - i yeeleed at him, he flinched a little, i really start to acting like one of those psycho fasict countries... oh i forgot, I AM ONE! I AM FUCKING UNDER NAZI CONTROL
- dont be that meaaan, i know you are cinamonroll inside! - Peru laughted
- I killed you 7 other ways in my brain- I answered annoyed
//per Prussia//

- so... you think that invading argentina is good idea? you plan seems logic, but i pretty dangenrous - i said looking at chile, he laughted

- of course i know its dangenrous, but remeber that argentina is just a human, she have no chance with us two! - chile looked at my eyes

-tommorow at 15. don't forget. - Chile said and leaved the room

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