6- official war

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Saniro thank you again he gave me idea for MAKE A WAR
Do let's go to the story
Per. Kazi

-your guys know, we have a really hard rules, and you guys, can just break it - German empire said, looking at me and Romania binded to chairs. Romania struggles in panic, and I tried to open my wings, but we both was to weak, and scared, we both was really young, and stupid
- now, me and rest of my family, is gonna think punishment for you two - he leaved the room leaving us two alone
- we gonna die... - i said
- one person from Germany family, is not on rest side, but I have no idea how to call him... - Romania said weak, trying just to move wings
-i have an idea... - i tried to took Romania phone using a leg, phone falls, then I pick it up with legs.
- hey Google, call Germany - romania said, then phone starts to call Germany, Germany responded
- hey! Germany! You us only hope! Help us! We are in castle! - i yeeleed
- Kazi you idiot, if they hear us, we can made Germany in danger- Romania said, and then Germany leaved the call. We lose hope a little, then I noticed a rock, I took rock and throw it into a radio. Then we heard.
-USA officially declares war to the Prussia, and Russia declares war to the philipines, its can be start of new world war - we heard
-yeah, only war is the thing we wanna - Romania said annoyed, then we noticed Finland
- HEY! YOU! HELP US! - i screamed, then Finland look at us, then took Scizor and cut the ropes
- thanks.. - Finland wihout a word leaved the castle
- now we need to run - Romania and me changed into the bats and leaved the ruins.
After a hour of flying, and running, we been in a abandoned of everyone part of forest, we sitted on tree
- i hungry ... - Romania looked at ground
- me to... - after all, we both are just kids, who can't really hunt, then we noticed Sweden
- hey look! - he gave us blood bag, when I took it, it change into a leaf
-better found us food, or you gonna be food - Romania said looking at Sweden, then Sweden changed into racoon-dog and runned somewhere, to back with a mouse
-its aren't much... - he said, leaved two mouses and runned, we both drinked all blood from mouses.
Romania changed into human, and took a camping set from bag, and setting it
I helped him, then we got to sleep. At morning. I leaved the tent, and looked deep into forest, then, I felt gun in back of my head
- you going with us- I turned my head back and noticed nazi soldiers, oh shit, they binded my hands and took me somewhere, to, something like bunker. i noticed Nazi sitting in office chair

- so that was that easy? - he said looking at my eyes - i dont gonna say anything to my father, if you help me - he laughted like psycho.

- what about romania!? - i asked, i dont wanna him to be in trouble.

-  i gonna let him go, i just need you, but if you make it hard, he gonna die. but if thats was to less to you, i also can kill your sister - he laughted still looking at my scared eyes, i tried to took step back, but then he took my hand and smile to me, w was scared that i can piss my pants of  fear.

so i had a choice, being slave, or put my sister and best friend in danger...

- i gonna allow this, if you gonna promise, if you dont do anything to my belarus, and romania - i said, and he gave me his hand and i took his hand, then... my flag start to change

- good luck... kazachstan reich - he smiled, WAIT I DONT ALLOW TO CHANGE MY FLAG.  i looked into mirror, my flag changed  color changed into red, and sun on my flag has changed into moon, broken moon...  my wings changes, into black, with two spikes  on them.

then Nazi gave me band, belarus had its same style, but mine has swastict and zigzags, i wear that band, and he pets my head.

- now know that, i lied a little, but i dont have nothing to do with belarus, philip paid me, to say nothing to russia about her localization - he said

- w-what? - i asked really scared

-belarus is philipines probety - he laughted.


- he is a war with philip, and slowly losing it, he is so stupid - he responded, then lead me somwhere, i throw me into dark room, and close me in. i noticed ukraine, lying on floor in the poodle of blood, i come closer... is she dead?

- u-ukraine? - i touched a body

- k-kazi? - she responded

//per romania//

i woke up, KAZI IS ISNT THERE!? i panicked and leaved  the tent, i noticed, leg  traces, and then car traces, they took him somewhere!? i changed into bat and start to fly in this way, then i noticed i flied perfectly into battle zone, i recoznited russian soldiers, and philipines soldiers. i remeber they have war... i noticed a medicine tent, i flied into it. soldiers points their gun into me

-c-calm... i not enemy... - i said

- change into human. - general said, and i do it.

- what you screatching for, romania? - i noticed russia in end of tent

- for you! you are only person who actually can help me! - i run into russia

- what happend? - he asked with seriaurius voice

- i was sleeping in tent with kazachstan, when i woke up, kazachstan was no there, i notice leg traces, and car traces... - i said

- weird... USA said me the same story but with ukraine... - he responded looking at me.

-last time i pleased Nazi for help, and last time, he said i only naive kid... and is chance i dont see my slibling ever again - he said, with emotionless voice

- I HAVE AN IDEA! - i yeeled - Nazi said, is chance you never see your slibling, i heard it right? - i asked

- umm... yeah? - he responded

-then... maybe Nazi, kindnapped them! - i said

- that have sense... can you stay there? - he asked

- yeah... - i responded supicius. i changed into bat and sitted on his shoulder

on 00:00, russia changed into wolf

-we going to main base. - he said, and start to run, i started to fly in same way.

- are you hungry? - he asked, i waved head as yes, then he drag a deer from  a freezeer

- its... really for me? - i asked

- yeah... - he responded and i started to drink blood when i drink that all, i looked at russia

- now we need to talk about plan - he said

- whats plan - i looked at him, we both  changed into human forms.

- to save my slibling - he looked away, and sitted into office chair

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