I don't have claws or teeth like Peter and Isaac, I'm not an alpha with cool powers like Scott and Derek, I don't have electric... whatever abilities like Kira. I'm helpless. How will I protect my babies when they're here? My visions aren't 100% accurate, so how will I make sure they're safe? 

The sound of metal creaking, broke my thoughts, my heart skipping a beat as I watched Foxie pull himself and Lydia out the door, closing it behind them. I stood up and tried to pull it open to, idon'tknow try and save Lydia? But, I couldn't it wouldn't budge. 

I was left to watch as Lydia looked up, "they're here. And I don't need to scream to know that they're going to kill you."  Foxie didn't seem fazed by Lydia's bold statement, "good. Because, that's exactly why I brought you." 

He spared a glance at me, "any visions yet?" I shook my head, eyes wide. Foxie sighed before he began digging in his pocket. "I needed to know when they'd be close enough." He pulled out what looked like a black knife. "When my own death was closing in." 

A clicking sound began to envelope the room Lydia and Foxie were standing in, black smoke came from nowhere. The smoke slowly shifted into figures, black cape-wearing, masked, men. Their eyes glowed a bright yellow if you looked deeply into their black sockets. 

All five of them drew their swords as Lydia jumped behind them. I began to smile, we were going to be okay. The Oni would kill the nogitsune. "Cause only when they're close, can I do this..." Foxie brought up the black knife, holding it in his hands before snapping it, just as the Oni advanced toward him. 

They paused and then put their swords away. Oh no... Foxie smiled and then, like the smoke had appeared, they all disappeared. How did they... I shook away the thought and tried to pull harder on the metal, "Lyds. Lydia!" I called, trying to get her out of her daze long enough to help me open this gate. 

The echo of footsteps sounded behind me and I froze, spinning around and pressing myself into the bars. Pleasedon'tbefoxie.Pleasedon'tbefoxie. "Lydia, Victoria." I'd never been so relieved to hear Scott's voice than I did just then. His face was even more so than his voice. "Thank god," I didn't waste a second in throwing my arms around him in a quick hug. 

Over his shoulder, I saw Stiles and breathed another sigh. I let go of Scott and brough Stiles into an even tighter hug. I could hear the metal screeching as Scott pulled open the door behind me. "You're okay," I inhaled the scent of my brother, it was familiar. Safe. I missed him so much. 

"Are you two alright?" Stiles asked, his hand holding my head lightly, like he was afraid I'd break. I think it's safe to say he missed me too? I went to reply, but Lydia beat me to it. "No. No, no, no, no. Why are you here?"

Stiles let go of me, "Lydia, we're here for you." Lydia was panicking and I could feel my headache slightly. "You weren't supposed to be here. You didn't get my message?" My vision began to blur and I leaned against the wall for support. 

"Lydia, what's happening?" Scott's voice was distant and I only had time to quietly say, "vision" before I fell into my mind. 

The Oni, they were fighting against everyone. All of my friends, Scott's pack, were fighting against the black creatures. Kira, Isaac, Allison... Allison. She shot an arrow through one of the Onie, their face cracking as yellow began to shine from within. But then he exploded into a cloud of black smoke. 

A smile pulled at her lips, but before she could say anything, another Oni came up to her. I tried to yell, I tried to warn her, but it was just a vision and I had to watch as a sword went through her abdomen, cutting through her flesh like melted butter. Dragging into her and then being pulled out just as easily. A sword shouldn't be able to cut through flesh that easily. 

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