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At the end of the day, Luz made her way back to the Owl House. She presumed Amity would show up later as she was sure being top student meant extra hours. Once Luz got there, she waved at hoot hoot. "Hey Hoot Hoot. Amity might be coming later, so don't talk to her too much, unless you want to be a part of the boo boo buddy club again?" Luz said, Pointing a finger at Hoot Hoot while playfully scolding him. "You got it commander Luz!" Hoot Hoot said, With a goofy little face, of which Luz presumed was his way of saluting. She giggled, then made her way inside.

"Im back!" Luz yelled a little. "LUUUUUZ!!!" King came running down the stares, ready to give a big ole hug. Luz got tackled and tumbled backwards. "I was only gone for a few hours King, anyways-" Luz rubbed king's head and then got up to look for Eda, of whom came walking down the steps with a mug of apple blood. "Whats up kid?" "Well, Amity's house is a little noisy recently, So I kind of. Invited her here for the night." Luz was nervous. "And? As long as she doesn't rat us out I don't really care." Eda said, lazily walking past Luz to get some more apple blood.

"that went better than I thought it would" Luz said, genuinely surprised. She then went up to her room to finish some homework that she forgot to do. 

-A Few Hours Later-

A knock at the door and a "LUUUUUUUZ" derailed her train of focus. Putting her homework aside temporarily, she went down to get the door. "Heya Amity!" "Hi Luz." Luz noticed Amity was a bit more quiet than normal. Its ok for now, but if it keeps up then she will have to find out what is wrong, Luz style. Luz held open the door, and Amity walked in. Luz noticed how Amity was still taking in all of the things in the Owl House. To be fair, it was a LOT to take in. "I still cant believe you live here." Amity said, with a slight hint of disgust and a lot of confusion. 

It hurt Luz a little that Amity didn't like the place, but hey, you cant change a rich girls mind. Luz scorned herself out loud at the mental insult. "Well, You DO live in a mansion soooo-" Luz trailed. Luz then freaked out a little. "Not that living in a mansion is BAD!" She frantically waved her hands. Amity just giggled. "Its fine Luz. You'd be surprised at how often i'm told that." "Well now I just feel bad." Luz said with a frown growing on her face. Amity was a little shocked and frantically tried to get her to cheer up a bit, so she changed the subject. "So! Where am I going to sleep?" Amity questioned.

"Oh...I hadn't quite thought of that yet. You can take my bed for tonight if you want." Luz said with a smile. "Are you sure?" Amity said, a little guilty but internally dying. "Sure im sure! I slept in a closet for a while and my life in the human world wasn't exactly wealthy so-" Amity giggled to herself. "Whats funny?" Luz questioned. "The closet thing." Amity said, still snickering. "Whats funny about a closet?" Amity then realized that if she didn't get the joke then Luz most likely had no part of 'being in the closet'. A sad smile then replaced Amity's laughter. For some reason it upset Luz that she stopped laughing. "Your right, Closets aren't funny." Amity said, fidgeting with her fingers a little.

"Well, Its getting dark out." Amity said, motioning her head to the window. "Right, I have a little more homework left, but those can wait." Luz yawned, stretching out her arms a bit. Amity guiltily made her way to the bed while Luz grabbed some old blankets from Eda's room, making a pallet. They both got comfortable in they're beds. "G'night." Luz trailed off with a yawn. "good night Luz." Amity commented, staring at the ceiling.

-4 hours later-

It had been a while since Luz had fallen asleep, But Amity was still very much awake. The guilt eating away at her guts had made it impossible to sleep. So, Amity turned around and faced the floor. 'Maybe watching something will distract me?' Amity thought. Realizing the crazy things she just thought, She quickly turned away to the other side, making a lot of noise with the blanket. 'If she thinks of you as a friend then you need to act like a normal friend, not a stalker!' Amity grumbled. 

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