Sam the Eagle: Do you remember what you did on the night you played Madrid?

Ringo: I was hit by a raging bull and rushed off stage to the hospital

Jean Pierre: Ringo, what do you know about the sculpture theft at Madrid's Prado?

Ringo: I never saw the stolen busts. I spent the night in bed concussed

Sam the Eagle: The truth, Ringo. The clock is ticking

Ringo: If you don't believe me, ask the chicken. She was there. She'll cooperate

Jean Pierre: Madam, are you willing to cooperate?

Sam the Eagle: Will somebody get this chicken out of here?

Ringo: Calm down, chicken. It's a routine inspection.

Sam the Eagle and Jean Pierre: Thank you, Ringo. No more questions.

Jean Pierre: Let's go from the start. What do you know about the stolen art?

Jeff: I didn't know there was a plan.

Charles Wallace: Your accusation's far out man.

Meg: Chances of us committing a crime are less than .009

Wags: Arf arf arf arf arf woof. Arf arf arf arf woof.

Jean Pierre: To help with our investigation, can you do a full translation?

Calvin: What Wags just said to you? Dogs just talk like that. There's not much I can do.

Greg: Why would we steal something?

Beatles: We didn't even know about this.

Anthony: If we did, we would have made a confession

Jean Pierre and Sam the Eagle: Thank you, everyone. No more questions.

Jean Pierre: They didn't

Sam the Eagle: No they didn't

Jean Pierre: There's no way they did the crime

Sam the Eagle: They couldn't. They're too stupid.

Jean Pierre: They're not criminal masterminds.

Sam the Eagle: We may not know who did it but we know who didn't do it

Both: So we know who didn't do it. Yes, we know who didn't do it

Jean Pierre: They're incapable of being culpable.

Sam the Eagle: Come on. Let's go over the files again.

Back in the Gulag, Sam was trying to escape but got caught.

"Stop digging escape tunnel, dearie" said Nadya.

"How'd you know I was doing that?" Sam said.

"It's the first escape everyone tries"

Sam tried disguising herself as Plan B.

"that's the second escape people try" said Nadya.

Sam tried crawling through the pipes.

"Third way. Give up, little girl. I have seen every prison movie ever made. Even the ones in space" said Nadya.

Sam noticed her friends in the paper.

"Hey! That's them! That's my friends! What happened?" she said.

"Dominic Badguy. An interview with the brains behind the Wiggles/Beatles triumphant Wiggly World Tour" said Nadya.

"WHAT?!" Sam yelled.

"It seems your friends do not need you anymore. they have forgotten about you" said Nadya.

"No way! They would never forget me. We're a family" Sam said.

"Family? No one believes in family in the Gulag, my dear. People are only ever out for themselves" said Nadya.

Sam sighed and thought of the fact that she had done all her friends wrong.

"Listen, Sam. We have annual lighthearted Gulag revue coming up. I thought you might help me" said Nadya.

"The thing is, Nadya... that's what caused all this mayhem between me and my friends, but thanks for the offer" Sam said.

"This is not offer, this is prison. You WILL help me" said Nadya.

Sam eventually agreed.

The police seem to be on the job. But nothing's happened.

And Sam seems to be out of luck.

What's coming up? What could it be?

One more click and we will see!

Peace and love,


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