Episode 6: Deja vu

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With no other options in mind, I slowly and quietly walked towards the broken door where the strange noise came from. But something was off as I came closer to it, the noise fades everytime I grew closer and closer. When I got to it, the noise was gone!

I peeked inside and found nothing but familiar furnitures, IT WAS THE SAME ROOM! I turned back and looked right and saw a door opened with a wall inside it... a wall inside the door of which where I came from!?
The noise came back slowly giving me goosebumps. I looked back to the room with familiar furnitures and saw nothing.

My heart was beating so fast I could not understand what's happening, I was confused that started to breath heavily once more. I slowly looked to the left, to confirm if this was the same hallway that I was in, and saw the same door; it was the same hallway! But, something was off. There is this dark thing in the corner.

I stared and stared and stared, and it moved! This strange dark human like figure with an arm shaped like a claw moved! Then it just suddenly starts to walk towards me. With instincts rushing in, I immediately went inside the room and hid inside the closet. I hid with panick and waited for the noise to go away. But instead, it got closer and closer.

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