Episode 3: Letter

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A strange smile impulses on him as we talk about the letters that he so care of. And with every word that came out of our mouths the storm then began to grow weaker.

With that in mind, both of us thought of going back to work. And as he was about to leave I thought that we never did introduce ourselves now did we? "I'm Isaac by the way, I had a lot of fun chatting with you" I said.

"Wait! Your Isaac!? Isaac the Miracle? I'm Asahel pardon for the late introduction but I've got a letter that you must read! I was so distracted by these letters going wet that I forgot my priorities, I'm sorry... " he says with a strange concealed expression sorrounding him.

He got me curious and confused that I felt a stomache ache out of pure nervousness. My heart started to pound like crazy. I loss focus of my sorroundings and directed my attention to the letter. Slowly I opened the letter and as every second goes by my body heats up, water flows down through my skin! Then! A part of the letter came out and I saw a word of condolence and my brothers name in it. I was so tense that my hearing became dull, I was exaggerating, my vision grew dimmer, my breathing was slowly going out of control, I can hear every pound my heart makes. my critical thinking just went off the roof and deducted the two things I saw... my brother died... I slowly began to lose consciousness and before I knew it I passed out!

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