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    The past 2 weeks and 2 days after work and after cases were closed me and Rafael hangout we've become best friends although we keep our friendship hidden from the team.
    I have also become close friends with Fin,Nick,Olivia and Amanda.I am the youngest out of us.Fin is the first eldest(Born 1961),Olivia the second(Born 1968),Nick the third (Born 1979)and Amanda the fourth by 10 days older than me.
    Me and Uncle Munch and Cragen have grown closer and I look at them like my second and third fathers.Me and my father Dexter have a love/hate relationship.

-October 21st 2013-

    I am currently walking into the precinct of Special Victims Unit.As i walk in I see Olivia printing a paper.

Olivia:"Smiles".Good Morning Lara.

Lara:Morning Livie."Smiles".

Olivia:How was your weekend?.

Lara:Good actually.Me,Mom and my Nana had a girls get away.My dad stayed home managing my Nana's house.

Olivia:How's your grandmother doing anyway?.

Lara:She has her days but lately she's been acting like she isn't sick or pushing her 80's at all....Poor woman is starting to have trouble moving about tho.She's been in a wheelchair the past week.

    I sit down at my desk drinking my cup of Coffee.

Olivia:"Sighs".She's strong and your strong you'll get thru this.

Lara:I know...I just hate seeing her sad is all.My nana and me have always been close.My mom and her even closer.I know its killing my mom to see her the way she is.

    Olivia gives me an empathetic smile as she walks to her desk as Fin,Amanda and Nick walk into the bullpen.Before we can speak my phone rings and I answer it.

(???:Lara."Crying".17th Washington street in Manhattan.My ex boyfriend has attacked again.He killed my husband and baby."Cries".This is Risa Johnson Richardson.

Lara:Risa listen to me alright.We'll be right there.)

    After calming Risa down I go into Cragen's office telling him everything I can.We leave to her property to see a fire truck and two cop cars.23 year old Risa is by a tree crying.I run up to her and she stands up hugging me and cries into my shoulder.But not before I see a big bruise on her eye.

Risa:My husband and baby boy are dead."Cries".He burn't them alive!.

Lara:Risa I need you to tell me what happened.

Risa:I-i just got home.I saw Dave pouring a liquid around my house."Cries".I tried to stop him by grabbing his arm and he hit me.H-He took out a box of matches.I was yelling at him to stop and grabbed his arm again.He hit me and my husband holding my baby looked out the window yelling at him.Dave lit a match throwing it in the liquid and the entire house went up in flames.Dave drug me far away.I bit him screaming at him.I heard my husband scream and baby cry."Cries".Dave said this is a lesson for putting him in jail and he left.He's a murderer!."Cries".

    I hold Risa as she cries.I watch as medics carry a body bag out of the burnt house.Cragen,Fin and Munch talk to the cops as Nick,Olivia and Amanda talk to the coroner's.I yell to Olivia who walks over to me.

Lara:Risa how about you go with my friend Detective Olivia Benson back to the precinct?.


    Olivia takes Risa to the car and tells Captain their leaving.As they leave i look around and see a camera in a tree.I climb the tree to a limb and go over grabbing the camera with an evidence bag.Nick looks over at me and runs up to me.

Nick:What the hell are you doing?.You can get hurt.

Lara:I'm gathering evidence and this isn't the first time I climbed a tree.

    Fin see's us running over.When he makes it over I have the evidence bag sealed and labeled.


    I throw the camera to Fin and he catches it as I start climbling down the tree.I think about what I could have said in that moment SHE SHOOTS,SHE SCORES,HE CATCHES.I slip a little and Nick freaks out making me laugh.

Lara:Would you rather me jump into your arms Nicky?.

Nick:Well it would ease my nerves.

I shake my head with a smile.

Lara:Okay I'm jumping.

    I jump and Nick catches me putting me on the ground.

Lara:Nick you don't need to worry.I have been held hostage 5 times and had 4 bullets in my body.I can handle a tree climb.

Nick:That doesn't make me feel better.

Lara:Your as bad as my mother."Sighs".Look I should get to the precinct.Risa is in a lot of pain as it is.

Nick:"Nods".Just one thing.


Nick:You were gonna say She shoots,She scores and he catches.Weren't you?.

Lara:If we weren't in a situation like this?.Yeah I was.

    Nick smiles at me as i walk to Munch letting him know I'm ready to leave.Cragen has Amanda,Nick,Fin and Me leave as him and Munch tie a few loose ends with the cops.
    We get back to the precinct and Risa sits at my desk drinking a water with tears in her eyes.I walk up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.She looks up at me and sniffles.

Risa:He took them from me.

Lara:I can't imagine how you feel.But we will get him.Even if it's the last thing I do.

Risa:I know...Thank you...


    Cragen and Munch walk into the bullpen as i bring Risa to a room where she can rest.After bringing her to a room near Cragen's office I walk to Cragen and Munch and the team.

Cragen:Where are we?.

Fin:"Bringing in a TV".About to analyze a security camera.

    Fin sets up the TV and hooks up the camera to it.He fast forwards it to the last 24 hours.The team and i watch it as Fin finds the spot of the crime last night.We watch the incident of what happened and I can't help but get tears in my eyes I leave the room to the break room and get Coffee and sit at the table while I process the video.As I think about the video i get a call and i answer it.

(Lara:SSA Laramelia Bailey?.

Rafael:Hey Lara I heard about the case.I just wanted to see how your doing?.

Lara:I'll be great once we put this guys ass in jail to rot.

Rafael:I don't doubt you.But perhaps you should go into this with a clear head.

Lara:The suspect...He domestically abused his ex girlfriend 2 years ago.He got out of jail last year and he was put on a restraining order.Which he has violated.But now he has 2 accounts of murder on his hands along with assault.I put him away 2 years ago...Now the SVU will put him away."Sighs".I'll try going into this with a clear head but there is no promises i can keep once I see him again.Which is why I won't be interrigating him unless necessary.

Rafael:I fully understand that.Drinks when case is closed?.

Lara:Yeah I'll need it.

Rafael:"Chuckles".Me too.Look I have to go but I'll see you later.

Lara:Of course.)

    We hangup our phones as I leave the break room and walk to my desk.Munch and Fin are gone but Nick,Olivia and Amanda are at their desks.

Amanda:Fin and Munch left to TARU.

I nod as I sit down at my desk.

Olivia:Risa is finally asleep on the couch.Thought you should know.

Lara:Thanks...She needs her sleep.

    I then go to tell them how i met Risa and explain how Dave is dangerous.As 4pm rolls around there are no leads to where he is.I walk to the room Risa is in and bring her to my desk.

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