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    Once i get there i sit down at the bar and the Bartender walks over taking my order.He walks back with my bourbon and I take a sip.Music begins to play as I look at the picture of the suspect thinking about the case.

🎶 Strawberries,Cherries and an angel's kiss in spring,My summer wine is really made from all these things🎶

    I start to silently hum to the Nancy Sinatra/Lee Greenwood duet song as i think about the case when i hear a voice.

???:Fan of Nancy Sinatra?.

    I keep looking at the picture of the suspect as I speak.

Lara:You could say that."Smirks".Or I'm just a fan of love songs.

🎶I walked in town on silver spurs that jingled to a song that I had only sang to just a few,She saw my silver spurs and said let's pass some time and I will give to you...summer wine,Oh..oh..oh...summer wine🎶

???:Well this is a good song in my opinion.Although stealing would be wrong.

🎶Strawberries,Cherries and an angel's kiss in spring,My summer wine is really made from all these things,Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
and I will give to you...summer wine
Oh...summer wine🎶

    I sip my bourbon chuckling as the Bartender Lou speaks.

Lou:Ah Mr.Barba...The usual?.

🎶My eyes grew heavy and my lips they could not speak I tried to get up but I couldn't find my feet,She reassured me with the unfamiliar line and then she gave to me...more summer wine
Woh..woh..oh...summer wine🎶

    I turn to the person next to me to indeed see Rafael Barba as I put the picture of the suspect in my jacket.

Lara:Hello Counselor.

    Lou hands Barba a glass of scotch and Barba sips it as I sip my Bourbon.

🎶Strawberries,Cherries and an angel's kiss in spring,My summer wine is really made from all these things,Take off your silver spurs and help me pass the time
and I will give to you...summer wine
Mm...summer wine🎶

Rafael:Detective Bailey.

Lara:You may call me Laramelia or Lara."Smiles".

🎶When I woke up the sun was shining in my eyes,My silver spurs were gone my head felt twice its size,She took my silver spurs a dollar and a dime and left me craving for...more summer wine
Oh..oh..summer wine🎶

Rafael:"Nods".So you new here Lara?."Sips his scotch".

🎶Strawberries,Cherries and an angel's kiss in spring,My summer wine is really made from all these things,Take off those silver spurs help me pass the time and I will give to you my summer wine
Oh...oh...summer wine🎶

Lara:Moved from Washington yesterday.I Transferred this week.


Lara:I suspect you come to La Bourbon often.

Rafael:Working outside of work.Detective?."Smirks".

Lara:It was an observation counselor."Smirks sipping her Bourbon".

Rafael:You may call me Rafael outside of work.

Lara:"Nods".Works for me...Rafael."Smiles".

    Me and Rafael talk and joke as we drink our beverages.I check my phone to see it's 7pm and we have been talking for an hour although it only felt like a few minutes.I take out my wallet to pay for my drink when Rafael puts a hand on it to stop me as he hands Lou some money.

Rafael:That's for both of us Lou.

Lou:Yes Mr.Barba."Walks away".

Lara:You didn't have to do that Rafael.

Rafael:I wanted to.

Lara:Fine but I owe you a drink.

Rafael:You don't owe me anything...Now it's getting late and New York is risky.Let me walk you home.

Lara:"Smiles".Fine but I still owe you.I'm to stubborn to let you win.

Rafael:We'll see about that."Smirks".

    Rafael has me wrap my left arm around his right one like a true gentleman.We walk to the Bars front door and he opens it letting me thru first then closes it and has me wrap my arm around his once more as I guide him to my apartment.

Rafael:What brings you to Manhattan?.

Lara:A few reasons but the first is quite stupid.

Rafael:I wouldn't think so.

Lara:You don't even know what it is Rafael."Smirks".

Rafael:Then why don't you tell me?.

Lara:"Sighs".When I was 10 years old i woke up from a dream and the same thing happened a few years later.I had a dream i lived in Manhattan and found the love of my life.Since then I grew to be done of New York and wanted to move here.Although the childish dreams are pretty stupid.

Rafael:I don't think its stupid Laramelia.Quite Frankly I think it's a sweet dream.

    We arrive to my apartment and i point to it.

Lara:This is my stop..."Smiles".Thank you Rafael.

Rafael:Anytime Lara."Smirks".Have a good night Detective.

Rafael starts to walk away.

Lara:Have a good night Counselor.

    I walk into my apartment taking a shower and getting dressed in PJ's.I lay down starting to think about the case but my mind wonders back to ADA Rafael Barba and what tonight was like with him.I start to think about how i could have kissed his lips...Good God Laramelia snap out if it!.You can't have a crush on him.Besides he probably doesn't feel the same.

-The Next Day October 2nd 2013-

    I wake up and drink a cup of coffee.Once I'm done I get ready for work leaving my home to a place down the road for more Coffee to go.After buying it I walk into work going straight to my desk and get down to business.Cragen walks into the Bullpen where everyone is seated.

Cragen:Fin get everything you can on Maxwell George.

Fin:On it.

Fin starts to do research.

Cragen:Olivia,Lara how about you go talk to Miss Baker.See what you can get.

    We nod grabbing our things leaving.We hop into Olivia's car as she drives.

Olivia:How are you liking Manhattan?.

Lara:"Smiles".Its everything i hoped it would be.

    Olivia smiles at me as we park in the hospitals parking lot.We get out of the car walking in.We show the reception our badges asking for Ally's room.We go to Ally's room and walk in seeing Ally packing her bag.

Lara:Ally?.Detectives Bailey and Benson.You remember us don't you?.


Olivia:We need to talk about that night.

    Ally cries and fidgets with her hands as she tells us everything that happened.

Lara:Ally did you see his face?.


Lara:Would you remember if you saw him again?.


    I show her the picture of Maxwell George and she starts to cry hysterically.

Ally:Thats him!."Cries".Thats my rapist!.

    I hug Ally as she cries into my shoulder and I look at Olivia who nods and leaves the room.

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