"No, only a few minutes. I have a habit of showing up early, so don't worry about that." He pauses, "How was the drive?"

The forced conversation is about as awkward as you could get, and I tried very hard to keep the amused smile from forming on my face. Harry was fidgety next to me while his father on my other side was as straight and tension-filled as possible. Two very different approaches to this "friendly" dinner.

This was also the first time since that first time seeing them sitting together for lunch at my work that I took in their physical similarities. Harry really did look like his dad. The same strong jaw and broad shoulders. Harry's eyes and hair were definitely from his mother, but other than that he was a chiller version of the man to my right.

We ordered after a few minutes of silence while we all decided on what we were going to eat. Awkward, but livable. I cleared my throat, and said, "How has work been, Mr. Styles? Ginny told me that you acquired a new client?"

He looked at me, immediately looking more comfortable with the topic change. He nods, "Yes, Genevieve is responsible for that. She's been doing incredible work since I gave her more responsibility."

"Well, she's really enjoying it." I tell him. "Harry and I saw her a few nights ago, and she couldn't stop talking about it."

"She said the guy's a bit of an ass, but he's worth the money." Harry pipes up, treading cautiously. It struck me that Harry's probably never had an enjoyable conversation with his dad regarding work.

Mr. Styles looked at his son, and smirked, "You should see them spar. Genevieve's got him by the balls."

I choke on my drink, not expecting that out of him. Harry laughed lightly, reaching over to rub my back. Coughing, I say, "Sorry, I'm good."

Harry brings his hand down to hold mine in my lap, looking back over at his dad, "Did she tell you she broke up with her boyfriend?"

"No." Mr. Styles frowned.

"Yeah, dumped his ass finally."

"Good, he was a loser." He waved his hand, "I think she's interested in this new client, but of course she won't say anything to me."

"She'll keep that on lockdown." Harry responds, sipping on his drink.

I smirk, but hold my tongue. It was really weird to see these two gossiping like middle school girls. In fact, I don't think either of them even realize the shift in atmosphere. Minutes ago they were tense and awkward, and now everything is relaxed and natural.

I let them gossip in peace while our food is delivered, ordering myself another drink. Harry was stopping at his one, since he was driving tonight. The food was delicious as expected, maybe a little fancy for my usual taste. I watched the server be more attentive to our table, and understood that Mr. Styles had his specific quirks just like at my work.

"How is the case going, Daniella."

I'm still getting used to him using my formal name. No one besides Harry has ever called me that, but I understand his father's need for some form of formality. He likes his shirts buttoned up, ties impeccably straight, and the use of full names.

I swallow my food, and say, "It's moving forward. The police made an arrest, and looks like we'll be going to trial. Thanks again for pulling some strings and getting us Ms. Armstrong. She's been nothing but great."

"She is. You have nothing to worry about with her. She'll make sure he goes to jail for what he's done." He says firmly, looking me in the eyes.

I still don't know how to feel about people knowing about this. My friends and Harry are one thing, but now his whole family knows, and some of my classmates. No one's said anything inappropriate, but to have them know something so private, something I had hid for years, gives me anxiety.

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