★☆Chapter 01.1: Back to me☆★

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I was always with him.

Standing behind him.

Supporting his every step.

But that's all I could ever do...

I was not allowed to stand beside him.

To be someone important to him.

But there is one sure thing I know.

That no matter what happens, he will always turn to me.

-Tsumiya Rika


I was always with him. Through thick and thin. To everywhere he went, I was with him. Yet, the only thing I can do is to watch in the shadows..

My name is Tsumiya Rika. A girl with long black hair, falling to my waist, having violet eyes.

I have known Ichikawa Haruto, for a long time. I have loved Haru since the day that he saved me.

Three years ago, I didn't have any friends. My actual opposite was Haru. Back then, 'till now, he was and still popular. To both male and female.

Since someone like me was yearning to be someone like him, he said, "Did you even make the first move?

If not please try, since I believe that you will truly not regret it.. especially, with that beautiful face you have." the boy says this, piercing me with his light green orbs as he cupped my face, pulling out a smirk.

It was just a bunch of words yet it moved my heart to a very high extent, enough to change a very geeky girl to a very pretty.. classy young lady.

Since that time, I matched his popularity. I was admired by women, was fawned over by men. I could get anyone to obey me, by just a sweet smile. I could have anything that I have ever wanted. But..

There is only one thing that I don't have. That is the love of the person who gave me this confidence. This confidence that turned me to a brand new person.

"Rika-sama, what should I do?" A question that pulled me out of reverie.


"The person I love is someone close to me. He is actually my old childhood friend." The cute peach-haired girl looked at me with very concerned eyes while the other girls that surrounded me peered intently at me.

Oh! She's asking for advice.. she said something about.. childhood friend..

As usual, these girls would come to me and ask me for advices. Particularly beauty and love advices. Well this one is difficult since its close to my situation.

"I believe you should just go ahead and confess." I said while facing the petite girl.

What did I just say??

"That is difficult. I am worried that if I confessed my feelings for him, we might not return to our normal relationship." The girl replied with hesitant look.

"It is true that things may not return to normal, but don't you think that it will be better if the person actually knew about it?

He might reject you but I am sure, since you let him know about your feelings for him, he will now look at you as a woman and will be more conscious of you and your feelings for him. You might not know his feelings for you, will suddenly change."

I can't believe myself..

"As expected from Rika-sama!!" One of the girls exclaimed with great delight.

"Rika-sama in a very long time you seem to be very knowledgeable about this kind of matters. Rika-sama, do you have a boyfriend?" The same girl asked curiously in a very straight-forward manner.

"I want to know too!!" A girl with green pastel hair color said. "Me too." The girl with blond highlights agreed.

"I.. I actually don't have.." I said as I pulled out a forced kind of smile.

"Maybe.. the boyfriend of Rika-sama is..." Then suddenly..

As the door slipped softly, "Ha-cchi, you can call me anytime." The appealing female student uttered seductively as she blew Haru a goodbye kiss while walking away.

"Ichikawa Haruto-sama~! Kyaaaaa~!!" The same girl with the love problems said, scratch that gushed in a very ear splitting kind of voice.

"Mmm!! They fit perfectly!" They all said in unison.

"Huh? With that playboy? I'm sorry but I'm not interested." I said as a let out an apologetic smile.

I'd really love to.. if I could... :(

Suddenly Haru walks our way and whispered (to me), "Says by the person who owes her life to me." He whispered proudly as he smirked mischieviously at me.

"Rika, I love you~!" He said as he bid me goodbye with the same flying kiss as the student from before.

"Kyaa~~!!! Rika-sama!! He said I love you to you!" The girl with the blond higlights said.

"He always says that to ALL!!" I replied irritatedly.

"Ne, nee~! Rika-sama! What did Haru-sama whispered to you??" They asked cluelessness (is that even a word? XD) stucked in their faces.







Yahalo!! How are you guys doing? I decided to edit this, since it needs a lot of those.

Welcome, if you're a new reader. Thank you if you've been reading from the very start.

Hav a gud day and stay tuned =)


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