Chapter 2: Encounter

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Walking out with his makeup done and after show clothes own ash walked to the men's room to use the restroom before he left. Washing his hands after he was finished ash turned to gasp, .... He was standing there, staring straight into his soul... Ash backed up and! He wouldn't.......would he?! He wouldn't rape him.....right?! Ash gulped and began to speak 

" look, mister.....I don't mean any trouble.......nor do I want any trouble..... so if you would kindly please step to the side.......then - ack!!!!" ash grunted all of the sudden some energy.....slammed him into the wall.......

"hmmmmmmm..........." Mewtwo said getting a good look at ash....... he began to feel around.....

ash's eyes widen in fear, he was going to rape him!

" please no......please please no........" ash said tears streaming from his face in fear......

" HAHAHAAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAA~!" Mewtwo said laughing as his face turned into a smile..... " well ain't you a cute little thing....."

" auh!" ash gasped scared out of his mind...... his body shook with fear.......scrambling for a drop of courage..... " look I don't mean any disrespect but please let me go......."

ash body was slammed hard against the wall

" Funny, I thought I heard ya say let go....cause doll face.....any guy, girl in their right mind would die to be in your position right either you have a death wish........or your not in your right mind........that or your racist......" Mewtwo said

racist.......this man thought he was racist..... ash gulped closed his eyes and looked right in the bastard's eyes....... the bastard who killed so many people.......

" don't you dare!" ash yelled shoving Mewtwo off him and making him fall to the ground 5 feet away from him " ever call me racist again!" he fought the power that held him

" you can say a lot of things and I'll bear through  it and smile and say yes sir, yes mam or I'll just ignore ya..... but don't you call me fucking racist again.....ya bastard!" ash yelled furry in his eyes " now if ya excuse me, I need to get my payment for tonight's performance"

ash walked away from Mewtwo with his back turned....turned around and snapped something that should have gotten him killed on the spot.....     ." The only reason I looked at ya was that someone pointed ya out. I  hate criminals. I hate them with every fiber of my being, and you out of all of them come in here, sexually harass me.....and then call me racist. When you yourself have killed so many innocent people just for the fun of it! This is the most excellent thing you'll ever hear from me, mister...... Fuck OFF!"

" oh, I'll be marking those words....ash........." Mewtwo said smirking

ash gasped he never told this man his name........

" and hell I knew you ain't racist! I know dam well you hate see I was coming down here looking for a city that needed my special services...and the first thing I did was observe.....the townfolk and you caught my eye...... you should feel honored nobody's done that before ash...... and believe me......we'll be seeing each other very soon and who knows maybe you will change your opinion on me.  see ya, toots" Mewtwo said smirking before vanishing......

ash gasped made a beeline to where his money was got it.....and ran out of the bar and straight to his house......he locked all the doors and windows....and he made sure that creep couldn't find one crack he didn't block.

Royalty (Mewtwo x Ash) FirstshippingWhere stories live. Discover now