Peter inhales sharply and slowly exhales a long smoke as he looks at Roman in surprise, "Why?"

Roman scoffs, "You got a couple of hours to kill?  Pull up a chair." 


As morning rose, Michael was dealing with a prostitute who claims her 'husband' was attacked by a vicious character who basically took a chunk out of his neck.  When she mentioned it was Roman, Michael was very interested in information about Roman's violence.

Meanwhile, since it was becoming impossible to bury the bodies in frozen soil, Peter and Roman dragged the bodies to the car with Celena following them.  

Finally, after a few miles, the boys finally stopped and dropped the ropes.  Celena walks to Roman and checks his arm, "That bastard!" She gasps and places her hand on his arm.  Roman watches the cut on his arm begin to heal into new skin.  

"I'll never get tired of watching that.  Too bad you can't use your powers to sew." He mutters at his ruined coat and shirt.  

Celena scoffs, "You're lucky I don't infuse your skin into the cloth." She sighs.  

Peter was feeling stiff and achy, mainly from turning, but he couldn't let them see how much if affects him.  

He holds his hand out, "Keys."

Roman frowns, "What?"

"I'll get the car." Peter says. 

Roman pats his pockets and pulls out his keys and hands them to Peter.

"I'll stay here." Celena says as Peter begins to walk to the car.  She turns and frowns when Roman walks towards the bodies and kneels to look at them.  Mainly at the large, bloody neck wound.  

Peter turns and frowns.  He could practically hear Roman's stomach growl lowly at the sight of blood.  He carefully walks back to them.  

"Roman." Celena calls out to him, but he was too into view. 

"Hey!" Peter shouts, making Roman jump to his feet. "You don't need to go there." 

"I'm all right." Roman says as he pushes away his hunger.  "I got it handled." He looks down at the body one more time, then turn back to Peter, "Maybe I should get the car." He suggests. 

Peter hands Roman back his keys and, at the same time, the three of them jump as one of the bodies begin to gasp. 

"Is he alive?" Roman gasps. 

Peter walks towards the body and carefully kneels next to it, "Fucking shit." He mutters and slowly reaches for the mask.

"Be careful." Celena whispers and Roman holds her back to protect her. 

Peter pulls the mask off the figure's face and sees a girl with a large headwound that was badly bruised.  

Peter gasps and moves away in shock, Roman and Celena follow him as the girl begins to whimper.  

"Help me." She begs as she cries softly, whimpering from the pain in her head.  

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Roman asks.

Peter had no clue, "Uh..." The girl wiggles in pain over the snow, "We gotta turn her in to Chasseur." Peter states. 

"You're kidding?" Roman scoffs.

"What else can we do?" Peter snaps towards him.

"Not implicate ourselves in that." Roman says. 

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