"Oooohhhh snap" Zack laughed

"And what if I refuse?" Aelia smirked

"If you refuse to sit on my lap then I'll bend you over and spank-"

The sound of coffee being spilled from everyone's mouth filled the room as they all choked on their beverage. The gay's patted each other's back in attempt to stop coughing

"I just wanna eat in peace" Mia pouted

"I'm just kidding oh my gosh, I respect every decision Aelia makes. She knows that" Luna chuckled

"I do, and that's one thing I love about her" Aelia smiled as she headed over to Luna's table, placing her back against the girl's chest as she sat on her lap

Luna smiled and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend from behind, pecking her soft skin

"Awwww look, they're so cute" Mia pouted

"What!?" Dani's eyes grew wide

"Sit on my lap, Dani" Mia smirked

"What the- I'm not doing that"

"Why not"

"That's some bottom feeder shit" the vampire snickered

Mia raised a brow and smirked, her hand traveled over to Dani's thighs and rested there

"You sure about that?" Mia giggled, Dani swallowed a lump in her throat when Mia's hands decided to go a bit higher

"Ugh God" Dani groaned

The girl rolled her eyes and pushed her chair back before placing her pasty ass right onto the thick thighs of Mia, the Hispanic girl squealed as she threw her arms around Dani from behind, rocking her gently in her arms

Dani narrowed her eyes as she glared at her best friend from across the table

"You" Dani said

"What did I do do?" Luna laughed

"You did this" Dani glared again

"I'm pretty sure I didn't turn you into a bottom" Luna chuckled

"Or did you?" Lucifer smirked

"Do you know something I don't?" Leo asked

"I forgot Leo wasn't here for the storytelling" Lex chuckled

"What? I'm lost" Leo pouted

"Dani and Luna hooked up-"


"It's hot, I know" Aelia chuckled

"Who topped?"

"I did" the two beings said at the same time

Their smiles dropped as they slowly turned their heads to face each other, holding a death glare

"Excuse me?" Luna asked

"Me? Bottom for you? Ha"

"You did! You know you couldn't resist" Luna smirked

"I couldnt resist them claws you have as fingers? Yeah, suree" Dani said

"Dear Zeus, what have I created" Lucifer groaned as he rubbed his temples

"A demon daughter who's half angel" Luna said

"And a daughter that's actually an angel"

"You're my angel" Lex smiled as she kissed her girlfriend's cheek

"These supernatural beings be wilding" Zack snickered

"Says the one that had an orgy" Ryan coughed



"Can we stop talking about sex now" Zack snickered as he held his head low

"So what are we having?" Lucifer smiled

"Meat" the gays said in union, causing the man to raise a brow

"I expected someone to say fruits" Lucifer said

"That too, anything edible we'll have" Luna chuckled

"Well, unfortunately the meat is out" Lucifer said

"Huh, why?" Aelia asked

"You'll see later" Luna whispered as she kissed her girl's shoulders

"I have a bad feeling about this" Aelia frowned

"Or it could be that I threw all the meat to my dog downstairs" Luna smiled

"You have a dog?"

"Yeah, my mother-"

"Oh... Oh damn that went dark" Ryan laughed

"When the person that created you, tries to kill you, you'll call them a dog sometimes"

"I get it, she's a terrible person. But she's human now right? You took her powers away" Ryan said


"So why not take her memories away too?"

A silence fell over the table as forks clashed against marbled plates. Ryan's eyes went wide, scared that he might have just crossed a line. But it was Luna that was left speechless, her grasp on Aelia's body disappeared as she slumped in her seat. Sure the thought crossed her mind, but she didn't want to take her memories away because she wanted Medusa to suffer. Remember everything she's tried and failed so miserably at.

But at this point in her life, it would he interesting to try.


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