Levi x Singer!Reader

Start from the beginning

"The guards guarding at the door when they escaped must be asleep"

You began to walk forward, searching the windows thoroughly for any signs.

"Where could those damn brats be?" You murmured impatiently before you stopped and chuckled at yourself dryly

"I'm sounding a lot like heichou now"

Suddenly, you hear muffle cryings coming from the direction to your right. You walked inside the house in your right side.

"The soundisgettinglouderfromhere" you thought

You opened the door which made a loud creaking noise

"Hello? Anyone in here?" You shouted in a whisper-like voice

Nobody answered... So you decided to explore the house to find them. You looked at the first floor (the floor your in) and found some traces like some handprints and slip marks, you figured that they may have been hiding from itans that were chasing them. You saw a stair and began to climb it. The sound was getting louder and it came from the direction of a dusty wardrobe

"They managed to stay in that wardrobe for that long?"

You approached it quietly and began open it. You were halfway on fully opening the wardrobe when suddenly a pice of wood was thrown from behind you, you quickly crouched down and turned around and saw a boy in about 9 -12 year of age was holding another piece of wood.

"Who are you?"

"I'm from the Survey Corps, we were sent here to rescue you"

"Che, we don't need help from an old lady!"

You flinched but mentained your calmness

"Really? Looks like your friends there need it"

The boy looked over to your shoulder before he gripped the wood tighter

"You'll have to get through me then! Nobody is stronger than me!"

You chuckled  "oh really then, try me"

He threw the board straight at you but you didn't dodge, instead, you punched it into pieces.

In a blink, you were right infront of him, holding his chin up with a sweet smile on your face

"Now please, come with me and we'll get you to home safely"

You gently let go of him and held your hand out, which he hesitently took. He walked over to the wardrobe and opened it and it revealed 3 small children and then walked into another room and took out 2 more, all of them seemed to be 5 -7 years old...

"Ne ne, oni-chan, who's this?"

"Oh, she's going to help us go home safely,  umm, what's your name?"

"It's (Y/N)"

"I'm Ranma, and this is Aira (girl), Mio (girl), Kyosuke (boy), Kotaru (boy) and James (boy)..."

You all smiled at them and guided them outside...


You were walking towards the broken gate together with the children when suddenly you heard loud thumping steps behind you. You quickly looked back and saw a crawler titan had aproached you and is suddenly infront of all of you, it quickly grabbed Ranma and he shouted in fear. You were about to savehim when suddenly, the titan's nape was sliced and blood splattered the walls of the houses...


"Tch! Don't let them get caught you idiot!"


Levi x Reader One-Shots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now