This is so embarissing.

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(The song in this is the one from the broadway musical just because I felt like the band would give it some rock to it. Also in the song when you see "this" it means it's an action in the video. Ok onto the chapter.)

I was going over one of the files for the victims to see if there was a pattern to the attacks when I got a phone call. I picked it up without looking at the contact.

"Hello this is Dr River Finley. How can I help you?"
"Oh River it's so good to hear from you."

'Oh no.'
I quickly got up from my seat and rushed out of the room before continuing the call.

"Daisy I can't talk right now."
"Busy day at the shop?"
"More like I'm working a case."
"Oh you have gone back to the FBI dream of yours. That's good to hear."
"Why are you calling Daisy?"
"You still haven't been picking up their calls."
"Because I've been busy."
"That's what you said last time."
"I just can't deal with their repeated questions anymore."
"They like to keep your file updated."
"If I was going to change I would have already by now."
"Please River pick up the phone next time they call. We all miss hearing from you."
"I know."
"Well I will let you get back to saving lives. Your family would be so proud of you."
"I know. I gotta go."
"Bye dear."

I hung up the phone and headed back in to where everyone was.
"Everything alright?" Hotch asked
"Yeah. Just someone wanting me to change phone providers that's all." I lied.
Soon Tim, Joe and Vic came rushing in with the boxes.
"We have all the tapes. From now to when you were apart of the band Rio."
"It was a lot of work especially since Vix found the one where Jade was first recorded."
"I'm sorry that I loved my girlfriend who was just murdered, so sue me."
"But your name isn't Sue." We all told him.
"I'm getting some coffee." Spencer told before leaving.
'Great. Spencer is now more mad.'
"Ok we will start going through the tapes and see if we can spot anyone who shows up multiple times." Hotch told.
"Oh I forgot to mention earlier." Tim began. "Blossom brought the band a bad rep to the group every once in awhile. It helped us get more followers but sometimes the media tried to make it like we all were."
"She was getting sober for the past year." Vix told
"Vix it's fine. Tim actually just gave us a motive of why someone would kill her." I told.
"It's my fault." He told as he covered his face to start crying.
"Tim, why don't you take Joe and Vix to get some ice cream. We will call if we need your help." I told
"You got it Rio. Come on dude we gonna get you some ice cream."
"With sprinkles?"
"All the sprinkles your little heart desires." He told as they left the room.
They began to play one of their original tapes when my phone began to ring again. I grabbed it and left the room to see the name. I just ignored it and went to get some coffee when I saw Spencer there.
"How's the coffee?" I asked making him jump a little.
"Terrible." He told.
"I can make you some if you like. That way it's less bad."
He poured the coffee out and I got going on making a new batch for us.
"So how did you meet them?"
"Uni. The music department wanted me to play a piece on my violin of my choice to bring people in for the course. They were there and asked if I could only play classical to which I played a rock piece. We've been friends ever since." I told as I placed his new cup in front of him.
"Did I do something wrong Spencer?"
"Then why are you acting off?"
"It's nothing." He told before walking off with his coffee.
I followed after him and as soon as the door shut behind us I saw what was on the screen as Spencer put his cup down.
"Oh no."
The music began to play and I placed my cup down knowing if I was gonna run I didn't want the coffee with me.
"I'm gonna murder Tim for this." I said just before I began to sing on the tape.

"I've got a sweet tooth
For licorice drops and jelly roll.
Hey Sugar Daddy,
Hansel needs some sugar in his bowl.
I'll lay out fine china on the linen
And polish up the chrome
If you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy bring it home.
Black strap molasses,
You're my orange blossom honey bear.
Bring me Versace blue jeans
And black designer underwear.
We'll dress up like the disco-dancing jet set
In Milan and Rome.
If you got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy bring it home.
Oh the thrill of control,
Like the rush of rock and roll,
It's the sweetest taste I've known,
If you've got some sugar bring it home"
I began to walk over to Vix and leaned against him as we sung the next part
"When honey bees go shopping
It's something to be seen.
They swarm to wild flowers
And get nectar for the queen."
I sung as I quickly licked his face and moved away before singing the next part as I began to drag my hand down my body.
"And every thing you bring me got me dripping like a honeycomb,"

I knew everyone had their mouths hanging open as they watched the tape.

"And if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
Oh the thrill of control,
Like a Blitzkrieg on the roll,
It's the sweetest taste I've known,
So if you've got some sugar
Bring it home.
Oh come on, Sugar Daddy, bring it home!
Whiskey and French cigarettes,
A motorbike with high- speed jets,
A Waterpik, a Cuisinart,
And a hypo-allergenic dog.
Oh, I want all the luxuries of the modern age,
And every item on every page
In the Lillian Vernon catalogue."
I began to slowly walk over to Tim as we talked for the other part.
"Oh baby, something's crossed my mind. I was thinking you'd look so fine. In a velvet dress, with heels and an ermine stole."
"Oh, Luther darling, heaven knows. I've never put on women's clothes! Except for once....My mother's camisole."
He slapped my arse before I continued to move to sing the rest of the song.

'This is so embarrassing.'

"So you think only a woman
Can truly love a man.
Then you buy me the dress
I'll be more woman than a man like you can stand.
I'll be your Venus on a chocolate clam shell
Rising on a sea of marshmallow foam,
And if you've got some sugar for me,
Sugar Daddy, bring it home.
It's our tradition to control,
Like Erich Honecker and Helmut Khol, [remember him?]
From the Ukraine to the Rhone.
Sweet home uber alles,
Lord, I'm coming home.
So come on, Sugar Daddy, bring me home."

It began to play another practice but Morgan stopped the tape and everyone looked over at me.
"Baby....what was that?"
"Can we just never talk about it?" I asked
"No we are talking about this." He told.
"Look I was 18 and the song was pretty sexual so we leaned into it."
"I'm very jealous of your boyfriend now. He gets to have shows like that all the time." Prentiss told.
"Tell me about it." Morgan told making everyone laugh.
My phone began to ring again and I saw it was the same people from earlier which I just declined.
"You good baby?"
"Yeah just unknown number." I lied before I remembered something. "I'm sorry can you pause that just so I can think for a second?"
J paused the video and I got up and closed my eyes to remember something my father said when I was young.

("River. You have a case where someone is murdering the fans of this band. Who are the suspects?"
"Well the band members would be the top of the list."
"Now let's say it's not the band. They all have alibis that check out. What then?"
"It could be like how John Lennon died awhile ago. Mark David was a fan of his and could signal a psychotic break. Fans could become delusional and believe they are in a relationship with them or believe that they are friends or family and kill anyone who might come between that."
"Very good.......")

I opened my eyes and quickly grabbed my phone to call Tim.
"What's wrong Finley?" Rossi asked
"I've worked out what they all have in common with one another."
"What is it?"
"They were all a threat to the one person in the band who's girlfriend was murdered." I told before the phone was picked up.

"Rio! What's up?"
"You three need to get back to the station now!"
"Woah chill babe chill. We will head back now but can I know why first?"
"Because the groupie is killing people because they are in love with Vix!"
"Oh yeah that's bad. We will head back now see you in a bit."

The phone went silent and I looked at the others.
"Lets keep searching then." J told.
'They better get here quick.'

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