This is insane.

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(Spencer p.o.v)

I was looking over the places the victims were taken and where they were found while everyone else went to go back to the club.
'How bad would it be if Rivers ex was a killer? Or one of her old friends were? She probably wouldn't be able to look at them ever again.'
"What's wrong with you?" A voice spoke making me turn my head to see who it was
'I thought Rossi went with the others.'
"Nothing is wrong with me." I told before turning back to the board before having more of the coffee River poured for me.
"Reid, you've been acting off since we met Timothy and you've unknowingly been drinking from the cup River had before she left seconds ago."
'I have?'
I looked down at the cup I had and saw it was actually Rivers.
"I didn't notice." I told as I put the cup down.
"You know, maybe you should talk to River about your feelings towards Timothy."
"I don't need to talk to her about my feelings towards him because there is nothing."
"The fact no one has noticed you acting jealous towards him is very confusing. You think everyone would have learnt about your relationship with River by now."
"I'm not jealous."
"Ok then. Your not jealous, but you should still talk to her about things."
"How would you talk to your girlfriend when you find out one of her ex's and close friend now is a famous dude from a mostly boy band, and you see how much you aren't like him?"
"Well if I was in your shoes, I would think about how she is now with me and not him. Besides I can see how much she loves and cares for you for you don't have to worry about anything."
"You can?"
"I can. It's one of the key facts I witnessed which made me work out your relationship with one another."
"We keep planning on telling the team but things keep getting in the way of that so it gets pushed.
"You don't need to explain why you two haven't told anyone. River already knows my lips are sealed. So how did you two meet?"
"I went into her bookstore and knocked some books over." I told as I began to smile when I thought back to that moment.
"I would imagine she wasn't pleased with that."
"She wasn't. Until I was hit with a broom." I told which made him chuckle.
"Our girl is a unique one."
"She truely is."
We didn't say anything more to do with River and after awhile the doors to the station opened.
"No Tim you can't use your phone call to order pasta it's meant for things like family and lawyers!" River shouted as she walked in.
'She's brought the ex with her. Great.'
"What if they were family or my lawyer?!"
"Because that's hella weird."
"Says you miss. I get emails about books of the month."
"I own a bookstore and like to learn."
They went out of view and Morgan came up to us in the room.
"So the whole band is here for questions." He told.
"I'll go help Finley with questioning then." Rossi told before leaving me and Morgan in the room.
"You good pretty boy?"
"Fine. Just trying to work out what they all have in common other then the book."
"Well I'm here to help." He told before joining up with me.
'I want this case to be over with as soon as possible.'

(River p.o.v)

It had been a few hours and once we got evidence of them not being anywhere near the club they were free to go.
'Something just doesn't feel right.'
"Yes Hotch?" I asked as I looked up from the crime scene photos.
"Can you get your friends to come back here?"
"I can do that." I told before I got my phone and sent Tim a quick text. "They should be here in a few....."
"You three. In here now." Hotch told as they quickly made their way to us.
Once they were in the team looked at them and I could tell more introductions were to be made.
"Ok. So this is Vix and Joe. Boys these are my co-workers...."
"I thought you owned a book store." Joe stated.
"Na dude. She is an agent now. And she still looking so fine." Tim told making me face palm.
"I'm gonna punch you. And I still do I was recruited by them."
"Oh cool. Have they seen you play the ukulele?" Vix asked as he tried to hide his sadness.
"No they haven't Vix. Anyway, meet Aaron, David, Derek, Emily, J or Jj and Spencer. He a dr." I told
I saw Tim share a look with the other two before they looked over at me.
"Oh you know we have to say it Rio!"
"This is going to be embarrassing." I mumbled into my hand.
"Dr! Dr what? Dr young of the seven seas as of yesterday!" They shouted.
"I'm very confused." J told having everyone agree.
"It was a joke they told whenever I mentioned I was a dr in front of them. I don't know where it started, but now it's what they do."
"Yeah we enjoy making our lil Rio embarrassed." He told as he slung his arm around my shoulders.
"Well if we can get back to the reason why Hotch wanted you guys here, I would really like that."
"We believe your lead singer was another victim of the string of killings following a band." He told.
"Oh what band?" Joe asked "We may have ran into them at some point."
Before they could tell the tv showed Penelope faces showing us she had some information.

"Ok so I was able to work out the radius of all the victims to the clubs and where they were found."
"She's cute." Joe stated.

She looked over at us and let out a squeal when she recognised them.

"You know them?" Rossi asked
"Do I ever! Their from Midnight Zombies!"
"Oh hey she must be Penelope, the one you told me about Rio."
"They know about me!....wait Rio?!"
"Penelope. Meet my friends. Tim, Vix and Joe."
"Hi gorgeous." Tim said as he gave a wave with the others joining.
"River knows Midnight Zombies?!"
"Rio was our original lead singer."
"Also dated Tim." Morgan told
"River is Rio?! This is the best day of my life."
"Penelope can you send us the radius from one another." Hotch asked
"I can certainly do that. I'll even show you how they all are at the exact same clubs and other places that hosted Midnight Zombies."
"Dang it."
"What's wrong River?" J asked
"I think the killer is a groupie."
"That would fit the profile we have. Would also explain how they are able to get them out of the places and not raise any suspicion." Prentiss told
"How do we find out which groupie it is though? You would have thousands." Hotch told
"I'm gonna regret this so much. But do you boys still record all your practice gigs?"
"We do still record them Rio. Why?"
"Because if they are a groupie and are killing for you boys then they will most definitely be in that small crowd of 20 that you always have."
"This was why you were the brains of our band." He told before grabbing my face and kissing my forehead. "We will go pick them up right now."
"Bye my lovely boys from the band!" Garcia exclaimed.
"Bye Penelope!" They all shouted before they left.
"River you are my favourite right now."
"Yeah I'm gonna wash my forehead before his chapstick makes my head feel greasy." I told before turning to leave.
I got a quick look at Spencer as I was leaving and saw he was really mad at the whole interaction I had with Tim.
'Definitely Jealous.'

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