What is happening?

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(Spencer p.o.v)

I walked in with Morgan to work after we got everything we could learn about from there. As soon as I walked in I saw Garcia walk over to me.
"Hello my mighty professor."
"Hello Garcia. What's with the brown paper your holding?" I asked as I brought attention to what she was holding.
"Oh well it's for you. Just to help with stress and what not." She told as she handed it over.
"You didn't have to." I told as I looked over and saw the outside looked familiar to something I've seen before.
"Oh it was nothing. Took a while till I found the right place for it as well."
I opened it up and was shocked by the book.
'The Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles. What's the coincidence.'
"Garcia this is a 7000 dollar book." I told in shock.
"Well I got a great deal. I only had to pay it for 1000 dollars." She told
'Oh god River met Garcia and she didn't even realise.'
"Thank you so much Garcia. It means a lot."
"Well now I'm going to become a regular there so it works out." She told before heading off.
'River you are flying too close to the sun.'
I put the book on my desk with my things before heading to make coffee. Once my coffee was ready I headed back to the bullpen to see Hotch and Prentiss walk in with matching bags.
"Did you two go shopping?" Jj asked.
"Not on purpose. We went to one of the shops close to the pub to see what they were doing last night and if they saw anything strange." Hotch explained.
"What did they say?" Morgan asked.
"Well she was at the pub last night and went on this giant detailed story about how she thinks the unsub killed the victim and even how she accidentally kicked the leg of her. Also went off a whole thing about the one tattoo she had on her wrist."
"So what does that have to do with the accidental shopping?" Rossi asked as he was confused as us all.
"She was able to convince us to buy books from her store. Very friendly her name is River." Hotch told making me choke on my coffee.
I coughed a bit before holding my thumb up to signal I was good.
"I'm fine. Just accidentally breathed some coffee in. I'm good."
"Yeah she also knew about us profiling and what not. See is very smart. Most likely on the same level as Reid since she mentioned being an outcast for most of her life and how she skipped a few grades. But everything she said was true."
"We may need her to do some follow up questions." Rossi told and I knew I had to be there to do it. "So did we find anything out at the crime scene?"
"There was another poem." Morgan told.
"Yes. It said 'I have not slept, between the acting of a dreadful thing and the first motion.' It's written by William Shakespeare and is to do with Julius Caesar."
"Didn't your friend mentioned something about William Shakespeare in the other one?"
"Yes she did. But I think they may be following what the main poem is about. The first one is someone who hangs them self's and in this one they follow with Julius Carsar and how he died from being stabbed." I explained.
"Could they be following William Shakespeare's works?" Jj asked.
"It's possible."
"Ok people let's work out anything else and see if we can figure out the next victim before it happens.
Hotch walked over and took two books out of the bag and placed them on my desk.
"What are these for?" I asked
"To help with thinking and what not. I don't know it's what the lady told." He told
"You didn't have to spend money on me Hotch. Let me pay you back for it." I told as I went to grab my wallet.
"You don't need to. She gave them on the house. You should go there sometime. She picked this book out for me." He told as he showed the Magna Carta book in his hand with a smile on his face.
"I just might." I told with a smile to hide how mad I was for lying.
'Oh she is in for some words now.'

(River p.o.v)
I was sweeping away when the door flung open and I turned to look to see Spencer holding the door opened looking annoyed and mad.
"Oh hi Spencer."
"You met my coworkers and didn't text me about it?!" He yelled.
"They came to ask questions. I didn't think it was needed to be told to you before them type deal." I told as my smile fell.
"River! Anything to do with my coworkers is a dangerous area. They could have found out you know me!"
"But they didn't. Your name was never mentioned and all they know is I'm someone who is extremely smart and should join your team."
"Yeah was that before or after you gave them books for free."
"They snitched on me!"
"You also said you weren't working today!"
"I decided to come in to sort through books that I hadn't gotten around to yet. If you are going to keep interrogating me Dr then get out of my shop I don't need this."
"I just don't want my worlds to collide."
"I know that Spencer! But my world with them will collide every now and then I sell books and you read them. They buy books for you as gifts they are bound to find my shop and a body was found dead a block away from my shop! I didn't know they were dead when I accidentally kicked them cause I was drunk! I could have possibly saved her she walked in and died while I was in there!"
He didn't say anything and just pulled me into a hug which I returned. I could tell he felt terrible for yelling at me and I also felt bad.
"Look I'm sorry I didn't text you. But I thought if anyone saw that I said two of your workers arrived through a text they would have worked it out."
"I choked on coffee when they said your name."
"Oh that would have been bad."
"It was. But I'm sorry that I yelled at you. I'm just worried."
"You don't want me to forget about you I know."
"And you think I'm cute and when I bite my bottom lip is very attractive."
"Oh god don't remind me." I told pulling away.
"I don't need to remind you since you'll always remember." He told before walking into the back to make some coffee.
I saw the time and my way over the lock the door when I noticed someone pull their arm back. I quickly jumped behind one of my stands to avoid the glass and brick. Spencer quickly came back and rushed to find my holding myself in my arms.
"River are you ok?"
"I might be next on their wanted list." I told as I looked up at him before over to the brick.
'Or someone else is sending me a message.'

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