Shopping spree

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Y/n's POV

I woke up and remembered my plans for today. I'm going shopping with Peggy, Angelica and Eliza! I quickly brushed my hair and freshened up and made my way downstairs. They were all sitting at the table eating breakfast. They smiled once they saw me awake and ready. As they cleaned up their breakfast I grabbed a piece of toast before they threw it away. When everything was clean the sisters were ready to go as well. So then we walked outside and took a carriage to town. I was hoping to get a few dresses today because I didn't have much when I arrived here. So all day we walked around town and had so much fun trying on dresses and laughing. I am so happy with my new life here. I don't know what I would be doing if I didn't bump into Alexander that day. I got snapped out of my day dream when Eliza said we should go to another store. As we were walking out of the current store I saw him. He was walking into a dress shop? Why would he go there? I turned around to face the girls and told them what I saw and they just giggled. I was confused until Peggy spoke up and said that Hercules works there and it all made sense. Before I knew it I was being pushed towards the store and they followed me as I went through the door. It was a cute little shop. The first thing you see when you walk in is a rack of fabrics of all the colors you could imagine. And the dresses in the window were just gorgeous. I heard talking from the back of the shop, we make our way the the back and there he is. John looking great as always while he is talking to Hercules about god knows what. They soon realize our presence and stopped talking immediately. I was fiddling with my hands because I was nervous but when I looked up my eyes locked with Johns. He smiled slightly which caused me to smile as well. Soon enough Hercules broke the silence by saying "Hey guys! What can I do for you today?" And I didn't know how to respond but Eliza then said "Just looking for some dresses for the ball coming up." That caught my attention but I didn't say anything. Hercules added saying "Well I have a few dresses made but I'm sure you guys would prefer custom dresses am I correct?" I saw them nodding so I did the same. I still was a little shocked that Hercules worked at a dress shop but hey you learn something new everyday. As Hercules left to go get the measuring tools I pulled the girls to the side and asked "What is this ball you are talking about?" Their eyes went big and Angelica said "Oh my god I'm so sorry we totally forgot to tell you about it! So it is pretty much a huge dance for the soldiers going off to war." "Oh ok. That should be super fun!" I smiled and we walked back to where we were and I saw that John didn't go anywhere. I walked up to him and said "Hey good to see you again." He smiled and god I love his smile. He said "Just here to talk to Herc about something but I am really happy to have bumped into you" I blushed at that last part and before I could respond he said "So I heard you talking about going to the ball and I was wondering if you were going with anyone."
He looked really nervous and I smiled when I realized what he was trying to do so I replied saying "Well I was going to go go with Angelica, Eliza and Peggy as friends because no one has asked me to be their date yet." I was studying his facial expressions, trying to figure out what he was going to respond with. But when I stopped talking he said "Well then miss Y/n L/n will you do me the honor of being my date to the Ball?" I couldn't be happier! I replied saying "Yes of course!" He had a look of relief and happiness on his face and he scooped me up and hugged me while spinning me in circles. We stopped when we heard squeals from behind us and say The sisters and Hercules all jumping around super happy. We just laughed at their reactions. Once they calmed down Hercules spoke and said "I can take down your measurements now if you would like." That is when I remembered where we were and said "Yeah that would be great." So he took me to the next room and took down my measurements and while he was writing
down my sizes he said "You know that when John came here today he was asking me how to ask you to be his date to the dance. So when you guys came into the store I was hoping he would finally ask you." I smiled to myself and thought about what he just told me. When we finished we walked back out and saw the group wasn't there anymore. I was confused until I heard talking in the front of the store so me and Herc walked to the front to see John, Peggy, Eliza and Angelica all bickering on what fabric I would look the best in and it was very funny. I walked up to them and Peggy saw me and said "See Y/n don't you think your dress would be amazing if it was red? It totally suits you!" Then Angelica interrupted saying "No! Blue is definitely the color to go with!" And John and Eliza both said "No green!" I wasn't paying attention because I caught my eye on a beautiful purple fabric that was sure to make the most beautiful dress. I reached out and felt it and it was very soft. "How about this one?" I asked. They all looked at it and they Eliza said "That's perfect!" I smiled and looked over at John. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the world, it made me get butterflies in my stomach so I look to Hercules and he grabbed the fabric from my hands and smiled saying "I will work on it straight away. I was happy and knew that this long day of shopping was successful. John being the gentleman he is helped all of us carry our dresses from the previous stores to the living room of the Schuyler mansion and I we all thanked him. I was walking John to the gates and I said "I am so happy you asked me to the ball." He looked up at me and said "So am I" and we starred into each others eyes and we slowly started to lean in. And then our lips finally touched and it felt like sparks were flying everywhere. We had to pull away to catch our breath and nothing could ruin this moment. He then said "I've got to go but I will see you soon." "Alright" was my response. He looked into my eyes one last time and then walked away smiling. I walked back to the house and like always the Schuyler sisters were waiting to shower me with questions.

Johns POV

I did it. I finally asked her to the ball after wanting to for so long. So as soon as I left I went straight to the bar so I could find my friends. And with no surprise there they were drinking away at the table on the bar. As I approached they they looked up and greeted me. Alexander then said "Hercules here told us you finally asked Y/n to the ball. Congratulations!" The rest of the night was filled with laughter and lots of Alcohol. But I knew that eventually I had to tell Y/n about me leaving for war with the guys. But that can wait for another day. But man did I get lucky meeting her.

Hehe how was that? Was it ok? If you hate it I'm sorry. But yayyyy we finally got asked to the ball!

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