I made it

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Hey guys I'm trying not to talk too much because I don't want to be that one author who talks the whole time so if I'm getting annoying or you have questions lmk :)

I didn't think I would be as nervous as I am. I made a plan in my head. I was going to find a hotel and then go explore the city to find anywhere that needed more workers so I could apply for a job and when I had enough for an apartment I would get one. So I set my plan in motion. I walked up to a nice looking lady who couldn't be over 30, and I asked said "um excuse me miss but so you know of any cheap hotels around this area?" She looked at me and probably was wondering why someone who looked so young would need a hotel. Soon she answers me saying "There should be one down two blocks that way and to the left" she smiled at me and I thanked her. So I began the search. I walked past many stores and many people in a rush. I made it two blocks down and as I took the left turn I felt as if I hit a wall. I groaned as I landed on my butt, I looked up to see what or even who I bumped into. I saw a man with a slicked back ponytail and a confused look on his face. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I was not looking where I was going!" "Oh don't worry about it!" He stood up and dusted himself off and lended me a hand. I gladly took it and dusted myself off as well. "Again I am terribly sorry about this, I just arrived here and I was so fascinated by all the building an"  "Woah calm down there miss?" I realized I never introduced myself to him so I replied "Oh sorry I never introduced myself my name is Y/n L/n. And you are?" He reaches for my hand and placed a kiss on it. "Alexander Hamilton" I was a little shocked when he kissed my hand because people don't do that where I'm from but I went along with it. "Well it's nice to meet you" He was examining me and not in a creepy way but in a curious way. "If you don't mind me asking. Where are you from?" I don't know why but he gave my a vibe that I knew I could trust his so I said "I traveled here from Illinois." He nodded in response and then asked "What are you traveling for? Visiting family?" My eyes widened "Oh no I'm here by myself. I'm actually running away from my family.  They were all mentally abusive to me so I decided that I should go live a life I deserved. So I came here." He seemed very interested and seemed to listen to every word carefully. "I see. Well where will you be staying?" I told him my plans on getting a hotel until I could afford a apartment. He nodded understandingly and said "Well Y/n if you don't mind I would like to introduce you to some friends of mine." I didn't know what to say but before I could think of an answer my mouth already said yes. He looked happy and offered to take my bags. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted. So after a could minutes we approached a large mansion and I was in awe of the beautiful house. I whispered "Woah" Alexander chuckled and knocked on the door. A tall girl in a pink dress answered the door and looked confused to see her friends with a strange girl. But she pushed it aside and hugged Alexander. "Alexander good to see you! Who is this?" I smiled and she gave me one back. "Angelica this is Y/n L/n, I met her today and we became friends. So I wanted you and your sisters to meet her." Angelica look happy to have a new friends and invited us in. "It is very nice to meet you Y/n."   "You too." I said. Angelica soon walked to the bottom of the stairs and yelled "ELIZA, PEGGY COME DOWNSTAIRS I WANT YOU TO MEET SOMEONE!" Dang she is loud. Soon we heard footsteps coming down and I saw two girls one in a pretty blue dress and one in yellow. Angelica spoke and said "Guys this is Y/n L/n" I gave them a shy smile and a little wave. "Well it is very nice to meet you" Eliza said. Peggy walked up to me and hugged me without warning and she spoke saying "I hope we can be good friends!" I hugged Peggy back and said "Well nice to meet you guys and I too hope we can be friends."  Alexander spoke up and explained why I was here and my plans to get a hotel. The Schuyler sister all gave each other a look that I didn't understand and Eliza said "That won't be necessary Y/n you will stay here with us!" I was speechless by her words. Then I found the words and said "Oh you don't have to-"  "No we insist! Please it would be so fun to have to have someone else here!" I was thinking for a moment but what was the worst that could happen? So I said "Thank you so much I would love that!" They all clapped and hugged me. Something tells me that I will be just fine without my family.

*A couple hours later*

The girls showed me around the house and to my new room.  I was almost all unpacked when Alexander knocked at the door. I looked up and said "Come in." He walked in with a smile on his face. "I hope you like it here, and I also hope we can be good friends" he said smiling. "I would like that a lot." I said. From what I've seen in the few hours of knowing Alexander I could see he uses his facial expressions very well when talking and as he looked around my room and you could practically see the light bulb go off in his head. Then he quickly sat next to me and said "I have more people I would love for you to meet, if you would like I can have you meet them tomorrow and I have a friend who owns a bar so maybe I can get you a job there!" I was so grateful for everything Alexander has done for me so far and this was next level. I didn't say anything I just nodded excitedly and hugged him. He chuckled into the hug and said "It is getting pretty late so I must go but I will see you tomorrow. Does noon sound good?" "That sounds perfect! You have no idea what this means to me!" I exclaimed. He said goodnight and left. I got changed and got into my new bed that was very comfortable. I drifted off to sleep in no time.

Ok I promise John will appear soon I just needed to explain her backstory and how she got here. :)

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