I love you

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Me and John walked back to camp together and talked about what it's like here and he explained how the beds are not very comfortable but it's better than nothing. So soon I saw the tents I saw our friends all talking in the middle of the camp smiling and hugging eachother. Then they spotted us and waved us over. Soon the whole gang was back together and I loved it. The rest of the night we all talked and caught up. It was soon time to go to bed so all the guys except John left to go to bed. And the girl said they were going to wait for me in our tent. So it was just me and John. I gave him a hug and looked up to him. He smiled at me and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and slowly pulled away knowing we had to separate. "Goodnight John" I softly said and he replied "Goodnight Y/n" and we both turned around and walked to our own tents. I walked into my tent to see the Schuyler sisters all smiling at me and Peggy said "Oh my god when you are you guys going to make it official?" I blushed and said "I don't know. I don't want to rush things." They all groaned and Eliza said "We'll I'm going to bed." And we all agreed so I slowly fell asleep on my bed.

The next day we all woke up and made our way to the Medical tent. When we walked in I saw a few other Nurses and one looked up and smiled at us. "You guys must be the new nurses. Well it's nice to meet you guys. There are scrubs in that room over there and we don't really do much around here until we are in battle." We all nodded and found the scrubs she was talking about. We all changed quickly and out of nowhere there were gunshots. And soon enough I saw John walk into the tent with another injured soldier limping and I was relieved when I saw John was ok. So John placed the soldier on a bed and while I was working in the wound I asked John "What is happening out there?" And he replied "The British is attacking." I looked up at him and said "Be safe." And he nodded and left the tent to help the others. I finished fixing up the soldiers leg and and more soldier were coming in injured and soon enough the gunshots stopped. Soon all the injured soldiers were taken care of and I ran out of the tent to see all the soldier who didn't get hurt piling up the dead British soldier. So that's when I knew we won. This time. So ran around and saw John putting away his gun and I ran up to him and we hugged. I was so scared that something could have happened to him. "I'm so glad you are ok. I was so worried." I said and John said "I'm ok. How is it in the Medical tent?" "Busy" I said. He put his hand on my chin pulling my head up to look at him and he said almost whispering "Y/n I love you." I was taken back for a moment but I knew deep inside that I felt the exact same way. So I said "John I love you too." He looked so happy with my respond and kissed me. I kissed him back and in that moment everything was perfect.

1 month later

Alex had a plan that he knew if it was done right we could end this war in a few days. It required many of the soldiers to go to different parts of the US. I was worried because I didn't want to leave Johns side. We recently started dating after we confessed our feelings. I knew it was dangerous for John to be gone but this is what John wanted. And I would always support him. There was nothing me and the Schuyler sisters could do because all the soldiers were scattered around the country so we all went back home. I continued writing John everyday and he explained that he was sure that the war was almost finished. I was alone in my room thinking about seeing John and he should be home in a few days and I couldn't wait. The next morning I was waken up by Peggy and she said "LOOK AT THE PAPER!!!! WE WON THE WAR!!!!" I jumped out of bed and hugged her. Then she said "Also this came for you." And it was a letter from John. I opened it and it said
Dear Y/n,
Today is the day we think the war is going to end. I am very confident in this plan and I can't wait to see you again. I hope to be home in the next day or so. See you soon! I love you.

He must have sent it last night because we already won. This just meant that I would be seeing him even sooner. I was so happy that we could finally be a free nation.

Later that day Alex came home and he came to the Schuyler mansion. I hugged him tightly and he told me all about his plan and how he helped win this war. He stayed for dinner and it was a nice seeing him again. Him and Eliza have started dating as well and they were so cute together. Then I heard a knock on the door and I went to get it. The mailman awaited at the door and he handed me a letter and left. I looked to see who it was from and it was from Johns father. I was confused so I opened the letter to see what it said. It stated

On Tuesday the 27th, my son was killed in a gunfight against British troops retreating from South Carolina. The war was already over. As you know John dreamed of emancipating 3,000 men for the first all black military regiment. His dream of freedom with these men dies with him.

I dropped the letter and fell to the ground sobbing. "This can't be true!" I yelled and continued crying. Soon I heard Alex, Eliza, Angelica and Peggy all run towards me. Alex bent down and said "Y/n what's wrong? What happened?" I could say anything because I was sobbing so much so I just pointed to the letter. Eliza picked it up and read it aloud and me hearing the words come out of someone else's mouth made it worse. I could here Alex crying as well. I knew he was close to John and they were best friends. The rest of the night was full of tears and many hugs.

1 week later

I hadn't left my room in a week. I didn't want to face the world knowing my John wasn't in it waiting for me. All week I re-read the letter he sent me the night he died. And I read the last words over and over. I love you. I was completely numb. I had cried all my tears and haven't showed in days. I knew eventually I would have to start healing from the pain. It would take a long time for me to heal but all I had now was time. I finally decided to get up and take a shower. I knew I smelt horrible and probably looked worse. So I took a very long shower. I finally finished and dried myself off. I looked at myself in the mirror and my eyes were red and puffy. I made my way downstairs after changing and when Peggy saw me she ran and hugged me. I hugged back and she said "I'm so glad to see you." I just nodded and got some cereal. And soon Eliza walked in. She saw me and smiled hugging me and I hugged back. "I have some news." I wasn't really in the mood for news. I wasn't in the mood for anything. But I still listened because whatever it was sounded important to her. She finally said "I'm pregnant!" And I shot my head up. "ReAlly?!" My voice cracked from not talking in so long and I got up and hugged her. I smiled at the news and that's when I realized that this was the first time I smiled since John... passed. I pulled away and when she saw me smile she looked even happier. I really hope that I will be able to get through this. I told myself that John would want me to be happy and I had to stick with that. I love him. And I want to tell his story. I want to do what he never got the chance to do.

I'll never stop loving you (John Laurence x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora