Chapter 1

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June's POV

I walked to the sandlot as fast as my feet would allow. I had to go fast because I was late for the game. The boys were probably halfway through it by now. My mom was the reason I was so late. She dropped a bombshell of news on me and then had me help her clean the entire house because of that news.

She told me that my aunt and cousin were staying at our house for the summer. Why? Well, I had no idea but it's better not to question it. You are also probably wondering why my mom and I cleaned the entire house. To put it simply, my aunt and cousin are huge snobs. Don't get me wrong, I love them but they are the biggest snobs I've ever met. That's an undeniable fact. My mom made sure the house was perfect so they wouldn't get upset or annoyed.

I shook my head and brought myself back to reality as I entered the sandlot. Benny was the first to notice my presence. He noticed immediately.
"June! There you are!" He started jogging over to me. "Where were you?" His voice was laced with concern.
I smiled. "Don't worry, I was just at home. I was helping my mom with stuff."
"What stuff? Is everything okay?" More concern had made its way into his voice.
"Everything is okay," I chuckled, "She just needed help cleaning the whole house because...actually everyone should be here for this." I turned to the rest of the boys and yelled. "Guys come here!"

They all ran over in unison.
"Hey June, where you been?" Squints asked.
"I was at home with my mom. She needed help cleaning, but she also told me some very important news," I answered.
This time it was Smalls who asked a question. "What's the news?"
"Well, my mom told me that my aunt and cousin are coming here for the summer. They will be staying at my house," I paused and collected my thoughts, "My cousin is the same age as me. Her name is Nancy, but she also goes by Nance. She won't have any friends here except for me, so is it okay if she hangs out with us?"
"Of course it's okay June," Benny said without any hesitation.
"Yeah yeah, she can hang with us," Yeah-Yeah chimed in.

I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't know how the boys were going to react to the news. I was especially nervous to hear their response to my question. I was a little scared that they wouldn't want Nancy hanging out with them. I'm glad they were welcoming her with open arms.
"So does she play baseball?" DeNunez asked. I knew that question was coming.
I laughed. "I knew someone was gonna ask that. No, she doesn't play baseball but she's a cheerleader if that helps."
"A cheerleader?" Ham asked. I nodded. Ham then cheered at the top of his lungs. "We are gonna have a cheerleader!! WOOO!!!"
I started laughing hysterically. "Not what I meant, but okay," I managed to say through laughter. Everyone else started laughing and cheering with Ham.

After the laughter subsided, I explained a very important aspect of Nancy's visit. "Alright, you guys need to know that Nancy is coming here tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" Bertram asked with wide eyes.
"Yeah, she's coming tomorrow. I know it is kind of sudden, but I just found out today," I replied.
"Well we are ready to meet her," Ham said. Everyone else smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Thanks guys," I beamed.
"No problem, it's the least we can do," Smalls said happily.
"Now that that conversation is over, let's play some ball!" I yelled excitedly. We all yelled like idiots and ran to the field.

Now baseball was the only thing on my mind. Mostly because I didn't have to worry about Nancy's visit anymore. Everything was going to be just fine.

Author's Note: So this is my first fanfic on Wattpad. I'm really excited to write it and I'm already have a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy it and I hope it's good! 😊❤️
Also, I did proofread but if there is any typos please let me know! 👍

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