Thirty Eight

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I was awoke by slight whimpering next to me. I rubbed my eyes and looked down to Jaysea's sleeping figure. She was fine. Maybe I'm just hearing things.

I laid my head back down and tried to drift back to sleep until I heard another whimper. My head snapped to jaysea and I realized her forehead was covered in beads of sweat.

She's having a bad dream

"Hey, baby" I said placing my hand on her cheek

She tossed and turned back and forth worrying me even more

"Jaysea" I said sitting up right and shaking her shoulders

"No, please" she whimpered

I fucking hate that she's a heavy sleeper

"Jacob stop" she yelled and my face immediately dropped

She's dreaming about that mother fucker

"Jaysea wake up" I said sternly and her eyes shot open

I immediately softened to the horror in her eyes

"It's me baby, it's me" I soothed her pulling her into my chest

"I'm sorry" she cried into my chest

"What? Stop why are you sorry?" I asked her

"I don't know" she said wiping her eyes

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her pulling her body into my lap. She shook her head no and sat fully into my lap

I could help but think why she had started dreaming about that scumbag. He doesn't deserve any of her time. Was that the first time she had dreamt about him? What am I thinking of course it's not the first time but why would she by thinking about him now? Does she want him instead?

My thoughts were interrupted by her soft snores. I couldn't help but feel relief for her. I laid back on the bed and she cuddled into my side.

My eyes trailed down to her sleepy figure hoping that she will get some good rest. I decided to stay up a little longer to make sure she's okay.


I woke up with a strong ache between my legs. I could practically feel my wetness on my thighs.

I turned on my side to cuddle into Jaden so he could do something about my horniness when I realized the bed was empty. Confusion washed over my face and I sat up. I heard the shower running and I assumed he was taking one

I stood up and padded towards the door. Jaden's shirt slid down my body fully from being scrunched in my sleep. I opened the door and closed it quietly. I stripped the clothes off my body and peeked my head in the shower. Sure enough Jaden was facing the shower head washing his face.

I stepped in behind him and ran my hands down his back. His muscles were tight but I felt him relax under my touch.

"Hi baby" he said not turning around

"Hi" I said quietly

I ran my nails down his back leaving beautiful red marks behind. He turned around quickly and snatched my wrist

"Don't tease me" he whispered backing me into the wall and releasing my wrist. He loves it when I claw at his back

"Yes sir" I responded placing my arms around his neck

"Jaysea" he warned

"What? What are you gonna do about it?" I pushed leaning into him and pressing my breasts to his bare body

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