Twenty Nine

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12:34 am


It felt like we were waiting for forever. And we waited so long just to be told that she fell into another coma

I just want to hold her, I want to tell her everything is gonna be okay and she doesn't have to worry.

All of the sway boys were here waiting with me and Josh. The girls accompanied them. We were all trying to be as normal as possible for the internet. Most of us just stuck with posting drafts but Kio filmed a TikTok while we were here

Fans could tell we were in a hospital so everyone was wondering why he's at the hospital. So I posted on Snapchat clearing it up as much as I can

 So I posted on Snapchat clearing it up as much as I can

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1:34 am


"Sir are you aware that visiting hours are over?" A nurse asked approaching me

"Visiting hours don't apply to these guys Rachel." Ròsa said behind her

"But it's protocol" she said turning to face Ròsa

"This is the party of Jaysea Blues a Stage-4 cancer patient who only has a couple of hours left to live. Visiting hours don't apply to them!" Ròsa said with anger in her voice

"Yes ma'am" she said nodding her head and walking back to the counter

I looked at Ròsa and mouthed a 'thank you' and she nodded

"You haven't done anything wrong it's just the cancer taking over, don't blame yourselves" she said walking back to Jaysea's room

The doctors already told us we weren't allowed to see her until the morning and it's killing me just waiting.

2:34 am


"I'm gonna go grab a cup of coffee" I yawned

"Okay baby" Bryce smiled kissing my forehead

I stood up and walked down the hallway and peeked my head around the corner of the supply closet and saw Ròsa standing there waiting for me

I wouldn't say I've been lying to Bryce I just haven't been 100% honest. The past few weeks I have felt extremely sick and I'm so scared that Something is going on. So I asked Ròsa to do a test for me

"I have your results" she said pulling a paper out of the file and handed it to me

Patient information:

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